Saturday, June 30, 2007

Make Your AdSense Grow More Money with Flixya

I found a website that enable AdSense Publishers to make more money from Google AdSense. The website is called Flixya.

Flixya is another website powered by Google. All you need to do is to Sign Up for a Flixya Account and share your favourite videos with other users in Flixya. You can also create a blog in Flixya and when people visit your Flixya's Blog, you can make money from Google AdSense too.

On your the right of this post is the picture of the Flixya Homepage. When you Sign Up, Flixya will request for your AdSense Publishers ID. Submit your ID to Flixya and all the AdSense Ads in your Flixya's Blog will be your AdSense Ads.

You do not need to copy and paste AdSense Ads anymore. Flixya will automate it for you. It is so simple.

Start Flixya as your secondary blog and share videos, share photos and share your Flixya's blog. Make more friends in Flixya and make more money from Google AdSense.

Related AdSense Alternatives:

Make Money From Your Blog (Part 4)

Part 4 of "Make Money From Your Blog" will discuss about Blogvertise and Slash My Search. Make more money from your blog using all my tips. Part 5 will be posted soon.

i) Blogvertise:
Blogvertise is an advertising program for Bloggers to make some money from their blog. Once you sign up for Blogvertise, Blogvertise will review your site and you need to wait for approval. Blogvertise is like a site reviewing program.

Blogvertise will send you e-mail with short notes for you to write and review websites in your blog. You will get paid for the review done.

Blogvertise pays through PayPal. So, you need a PayPal account to receive payment from Blogvertise.

ii) Slash My Search:Slash My Search is another money making program. Using Slash My Search, you can make money while you use the search bar to search the web. The more you search, the more you earn.

Slash My Search has a pyramid system. The earnings are accumulated as below:

When you have more referrals, you can earn even more from Slash My Search.

**Please click the button below if you like this post. Click to rate it!
StumbleUpon Toolbar Stumble It!

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Friday, June 29, 2007

AdSense Heat Diagram For Forums

The diagram on the left is the Ads placements suggested by Google.

If you own a forum and you are using Google AdSense in the forum, you can use this diagram to guide you to place the AdSense Ads on your forum.

By using this diagram, you can optimize and make the Ads placement on your forum looks more organized and tidy.

Follow the diagram wisely and make more from Google AdSense.

***My Experince: Ads that is place above the fold are performing GOOD but Ads that is place inside the contents of your site perform the BEST!

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Good News: AdSense Referrals 2.0

Google AdSense is launching new features for all AdSense Publishers called Referrals 2.0. So, what is the new excitements are we going to see in the new features, let's check it out.

Some of the new features and benefits of AdSense Referrals 2.0:
  • Expanded product inventory: Some of us here find that the referrals products of Google AdSense doesn't suit the topics of our sites. So, the new referrals features will have thousands of products from AdWords Advertisers and we (AdSense Publishers) can choose from a wide range of products and place it on our site.

  • Category and keyword targeting: It is impossible for us ti browse through the products lists and search for the suitable products for our site. Google AdSense makes it easier for AdSense Publishers to find for suitable products to be displayed. So, Google AdSense give us the option to refer products by category and keyword. We can narrow down and let AdSense to figure out which ones will perform best on our site.

  • Ad unit optimization: It can be tricky to pick the best ads for your site, so a special features called ad unit optimization for referrals is included. When we setup the referrals, we can simply click on Pick best performing ads option. AdSense will then compare our selected ads to other relevant ads, and serve the ads that is expected to perform best on our site.

  • Better targeting for pages with multiple themes: With standard contextual targeting, ads may not match up directly or completely with the text around them if there are a number of themes or topics on the page. With Referrals 2.0, we can select unique “keywords” for each ad unit to narrow the Ads and target directly to the theme or topics of our site. With better targeting, we can get even higher earnings for our site.

  • Greater compensation for high-quality traffic: Since referrals are paid on a cost-per-action (CPA) basis, traffic to our site really matters. If the traffic we send to advertisers is more likely to turn into a completed sale or lead, we will earn more with referrals.
To get started with Referrals 2.0:
1. Go to the AdSense Setup tab in our AdSense Account, then click Referrals.
2. If you don't see Referrals 2.0, check back a few days later.
3. The feature will gradually become available for all AdSense Accounts over the next few weeks.

**You can read more about AdSense Referrals 2.0 at Inside AdSense (The Official Blog of Google AdSense).

Check our AdSense Account more often and use Referrals 2.0 to make the most money from your site.

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AdSense New Ads Styles

AdSense is going round (not really round ;-)) Now, you can try out the new border with round corner. Simply login to your AdSense Account and go to "AdSense Setup". You can choose the new "Slightly Rounded" or "Very Rounded" border of AdSense Ads.

Hopefully this new look can help all AdSense Publishers to earn even more money from Google AdSense.

For more information about the new style of the AdSense Ads, you can visit AdSense Blog.

My Personal Opinion: If we can use these new Ads shapes correctly with the correct placements, it can help us to increase our AdSense Earnings.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The AdSense Placement Makes the Difference!

As you can see here, I make some changes to the AdSense Ads placements in this blog. It is quite challenging and quite risky to do so because if I use wrong placements of the AdSense Ads, I will lose money.

I divided the placements test to 5 days.
"Day 1: Changing and testing different Colors of the Ads.
Day 2: Checking the number of Clicks and earnings in my AdSense Report.
Day 3: Testing new placements.
Day 4: Checking the Earnings Reports.
Day5: Satisfied and make no changes."

From my observations and analysis of ProBlogger, Da GSense Code, Success Stories in Inside AdSense and so on. I discover a similarity of the Ads Placement that make them very successful in Google AdSense. Their AdSense Secret is the Ads Placement in the Post Area.

Day 1: I try to change the color of the Ads. It is not very effective.

Day 2: My earnings went down and very low CTR and earnings.

Day 3: Placing the Ads into my Post Area. Spent some time to test and make changes, quite challenging.

Day 4: WOW!!! The earnings went up. It is 3 times my usual earnings. Great!!!

DAy 5: I check the Earning Report again. My earnings increase again. That is really great!!! Now, I'm satisfied and make no changes anymore.

Placing the Ads into your post area is the best placements and optimizations. Try it but beware of the risk!!!

**My post about "Adding Ads to Your Posts Area" can guide you to make the Ads appear in your posts area.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blogs that Give You Free Backlinks

Below is a list of High Ranked blogs that give you free backlinks. Pay a visit to their blogs and get backlinks free:
  1. PR7
  2. PR6
  3. PR6
  4. PR5
  5. PR5
  6. PR5
  7. PR5
  8. sha PR4
  9. romance traker PR4
  10. The Thinking Blog PR5
For more Blogs that Give Free Backlinks, please visit: ShaMoneyMaker

Would you like to have a backlinks from me, if the answer is "Yes."

***Please review my blog "Earn Money From Blog" at your blog and I contact me using "Comments". I will add your links to my "Links Exchange List" at the right hand side of my blog.***

  • Put at least 3 links of my blog in your review.
  • Put 1 picture of my blog.
  • Make it short and easy to understand. (At least 100 words)
Remember: Contact me in my "Comments" after you finish your post to review my blog.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Adding AdSense Ads to your Posts Area

Adding AdSense Ads into your posts is a great way to get a lot of clicks and earn a lot from Google AdSense. A lot of top earners of Google AdSense use this way to get clicks and earn from Google AdSense.

How Do You Want To Make AdSense Ads Appear in Your Posts?

A lot of people are wondering about it, so, I decided to write a step-by-step guide in this post to teach you how to insert it into your posts area in There a few steps to follow before you can add AdSense Ads to your blog's posts. I have make it into step-by-step guide. Please read the rest of the post.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1:
Parsed Your AdSense Code:
Parse means you make slight modification to the AdSense Code. How do you want to parse the code?

Simple. You need to change all the symbols like <, >, and so on in the code to HTML tags.

Re-type the code according to the picture below:

If you are lazy to do it, you can parse the AdSense Code at offer free parse code service.

Parse Your AdSense Code at:

Step Two:
Placement of the AdSense Ads your posts:
Expand your blog's widget first and find for the code below:

i) Place the Ads Next to your posts:

ii) Place the Ads after your posts:
Paste the parsed AdSense Code at the place you want the Ads to appear. Then, Save the template.

After doing all the steps above, the AdSense Ads will appear in your posts area. The steps mentioned above is only applicable to Customize Template.

Some people said that it is against the AdSense Polices to modified the AdSense Code but I already asked Google about this modification. They said it is OK to make minimal modification to place AdSense into template.

***Below is the reply from Google AdSense Team:***

"Thanks for your email. We do permit minor edits to the AdSense code to
allow AdSense to be placed into Blogger.

Please keep in mind that in general, publishers are not allowed to alter
the AdSense ad code for any reason. Once you've generated the ad code in
your AdSense account pages, you may not alter any portion of the code or
manually change the layout of the ads. For instance, publishers may not
alter the ad height variable to mask the Ads by Google moniker.

Thanks for your cooperation.


The Google AdSense Team

To access the Google AdSense home page or to log in to your account,
please visit:

Original Message Follows:

Can I change the original AdSense Code to the code above so that I can
place it into Blogger XML template? "

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Make Money From Your Blog (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of Make Money From Your Blog. This part contains a powerful money making program called Bidvertiser. Read on and make money using it.

Part 3:
i) Review Me:
Do you like to do researches and write reviews to earn some money using your blog? If you are willing to do so, you can make great income using ReviewME.

ReviewMe pays you to review services and websites. ReviewMe will sent mails to your email and ask for Review on your blog. They will pay you according to your Alexa Rank, Technorati Rank and the number of RSS readers you have. So, if your blog has high Alexa Rank, high Technorati Rank and great amount of RSS readers, you will get a lot of payments for a single Review. You can set the review price too.

Another simple earn money program is called BlogAds. In BlogAds, advertisers can choose to place simple text ads or flashy ads on your blog. The prices will depends on the Ads Format used. You can set your own price and you will need an invitation to join BlogAds.

iii) BidVertisers

Bidvertisers is another program like Google AdSense. It works like Google AdSense. They display contextual ads in your blog according to the topic you write.

The system is also PPC (Pay per click) which means that you get paid when people click on the Bidvertiser Ads display on your blog.

Some people are making great income from Bidvertiser. According to Bidvertiser, they display the most expensive Ads on your blog according to your topics. So, you can earn the most per click.

"For Example:
If your blog is about "Pets". Then, Bidvertiser will show Ads that are about "Pets" and they will show the most high paying Ads on your blog. So, you can make more money per click."

Success Story:
I heard from people that they are making $3.00 per click using Bidvertiser Publisher Program.

Bidvertiser pays using PayPal. So, you will need to Sign Up for a PayPal account to receive payments.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Make Money From Your Blog (Part 2)

In Part 2, I will discuss about 2 alternatives. This will reduce your waiting and reduce the number of parts.

Part 2:
i) Tribal Fusion
Tribal Fusion is another CPM based ad program. In order to get approval from Tribal Fusion, you need:
1. a minimum of 2000 unique visitors per day. 2. Highly targeted, relevant and regularly updated content. 3. Professional site design. 4. An active users base.

Tribal Fusion's ads are quite annoying sometimes as the Ads are flashy and some even with audio. Tribal Fusion Ads also have pop-ups. The better part of the program is that it allows you to block the type of Ads that will appear on your blog/site. The type of Ads you can consider to block are adult, flashy, violence, pop-ups, audio and so on.

It is good to have CPM Ads on your site/blog. People do not need to click on it and you can still make money from it.

ii) Chitika
Turn your product related blog into your Gold Mine, you can use Chitika eMiniMalls. Chitika eMiniMalls is a CPC (Cost per Click) advertising program. It can make you great money if you know how to use it corectly.
Find more details at Darren’s review of Chitika and tips on how to use them.

*Make Money From Your Blog (Part 3) will include some more alternatives.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Make Money From Your Blog (Part 1)

Some people are tired of using Google AdSense. This is true, people want to try fresh new things and there are a lot of people finding for Alternative for AdSense. Are there any alternatives?

Yes, there are plenty of them. This post will be divided into several parts to introduce you to other ways of earning money from your blog.

Part 1: Vizu
Vizu Answer can be an useful alternative to make some money using interactive polls on your blog. You can select your desired topics for the polls and earn money using the polls.

Vizu pays according to CPM (Cost per thousand impressions). You can set the minimum CPM rate for each poll placed on your blog. Vizu will take 1/2 of the CPM price you set. So, if you set CPM price as $10, then you will be paid $5 for 1000 impressions generated on your blog.

So, if you want to earn from Vizu, it is quite simple. The more traffic you get, the more money you get.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Double Adsense Income (Part 2)

This post is the Part 2 from the last post "Double AdSense Income". I will tell you about another two techniques I discovered.

4. Social Bookmarking Sites
Another powerful techniques to get traffic and make more money from Google AdSense is using Social Bookmarking Sites. Social bookmarking sites are websites with a lot of topics and bookmarks. It works almost like pinging services.

Some Social Bookmarking Sites enable users to Submit Articles and some allow users to interact with each others. Social bookmarking sites are a great source of traffic. Thousands of people are using such service. Some people use it to "Bookmark" their favourite sites, some just ant to share their ideas and opinions with people in the bookmarking sites, some people wish to share and help others and some want to get traffic to their blog from Social Bookmarking Sites.

There are hundreds and thousands of them on the internet. You do not need to find it your own, I have do some research and create a list for you.
These social bookmarking sites have great source of topics and traffic. Use them properly and get the traffic to your blog.

*The list is quite long and if you are going to submit to them 1-by-1, it is quite time-consuming but it really wort your effoet to do so. Don't be lazy. ;-)

5. Creating Contents
I found that when I wrote new posts to my blog, the numbers of visits and time of visits will be different. Sometimes the number of subcription also changes when I create a new post.

I tried to find the favourite topics my readers like and try to write more. This way can help me get more readers and I can help them with the topics they have problem with.

So, try to get to know more about your readers. Create contents that are useful to them. This is mutual benefit because your readers get to solve their problems and you can get their subscriptions.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Double AdSense Income

Lately, I tried a lot of techniques to increase my AdSense Income. It is a tough but great experience for me. I tried modifications like changing the blog's template, creating videos, searching for new ideas for AdSense, changing the look of AdSense Ads and so on. It is really time-consuming and it worth my efforts.

My experience few days ago bring my AdSense Income to new height. My AdSense Income comes to double. Normally, I can earn around $1.50 per day from AdSense. After the tough experience few days back, my AdSense Income per day jump to $3.00 and more per day.

This is great because if the AdSense Income per day is $3.00 (or more) per day, I can generate $100.00 per month and get a cheque from AdSense every month. I just received my AdSense cheque few weeks ago, now I'm heading towards another one. AdSense is a great program and I get some pocket money from it without paying even a penny.

You might be asking "How I do it?", "How I get $3.00++ per day?" and so on.

How Do I Get $3.00++ per day from Google Adsense?
It is quite easy but also quite tough and time-consuming. If you are willing to spend time sitting in front of your computer and do all the things I mentioned below, you can earn more than $3.00 per day. Trust me!

1. Join a lot of Forums.
Joining forums. You might think "Bullshit! Everyone knows about this.". You are right but not everyone are willing to do it. (I'm the one that is lazy to do it.)

I tried to join around 15 Google Groups and 5 forums. These forums are the source of my traffic and the source of clicks. In these forums, I can place my "Signature". In the signature, I will place the link to my blog. So, this can help people to find your blog and generate GREAT clicks on the AdSense Ads.

It is important that you find good forums with a lot of active users and enable you to use Signature for every reply you done in the forum. With a lot of active users, you can interact and get reply very fast. This indirectly help you to create good relationship and create your reputation in the forum.
**Try to be friendly, do not be rude and offensive. People will not visit your blog if you are rude and offensive.

Introduce yourself and your blog in the forums and this can help you get a lot of traffic to your blog.

Good Forums:
DigitalPoint Forum
Google Groups
Blogger Forum

2. Less Is More Technique
What is this technique? It means that you place less AdSense Ads on your blog and it can help you generate more earnings. Is this possible? Yes.

Google is very popular with the Smart Pricing technology. It is a technology that can hep Google earn more money but you get lower earning per click. Smart Pricing technology will arrange the Ads in the AdSense block from the most expensive Ads to cheaper Ads. So, the highest paying Ads will be the first in the AdSense block. With less AdSense block, you are actually getting clicks on higher paying Ads,. So, you will get a lot of earnings even though the clicks are less.

**Important : Less is more!!! If you are getting a lot of traffic and a lot of clicks but earnings are not very impressive, remove the AdSense Ads from your blog for 1 day to reduce Smart Pricing. Paste the 1 AdSense code again after 1 day. The more expensive Ads will appear and you can make more from every click.

This technique help me to double my AdSense Income. You can be the next to DOUBLE your AdSense Income too.

3. Ping! Ping! Ping!
No matter how good your blog is, no matter how good your articles/posts is, if you don't use proper technique to tell others about it, no one will know about it. So, I use Pinging Services.

This is a good way to get some visitors to your blog and read your posts/articles. Pinging Services are very good because you can tell all the people/bloggers in the pinging services about your blog and your posts. You are increasing visibility of your blog and gain more visitors.

If you decide to create a blog to earn money from AdSense and don't tell anyone about it, then you are wasting your time. You need to tell the world about your blog. This is the way to get clicks and make money from AdSense. Make your blog as popular as possible, the traffic will come automatically, your AdSense Income will also increase automatically.

So, make it a habit to ping your blog and ping your posts everytime you update it. Get the traffic and generate the most MONEY from Google AdSense.

*I will write more tips on my next post because it will be too long to write all of it in this post.

Related Links:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Customizing Blogger Blog's Design

I saw a question regarding "Pasting the AdSense Code" in the AdSense Help Group. So, I decided to write a post about Customizing the Blogger Design and use the Widget Layout effectively to paste and place the AdSense Ads easily on blogs.

Step-by-step Guides:
1. Login to your AdSense Account. Generate and Copy the AdSense Code.
2. Login to your Account.
3. Then, go to the blog you want to customize the design.
4. Click "Template", the "Customize Design".

5. Then, you will see the pictures below and click "Upgrade Your Template".

6. Then, a page with some templates will appear and choose one you like. Then, click "Save Template".

7. Done. Your new blog's design is ready to be used. You can use the new features of "Drag and Drop" in your new design and move the placements of AdSense Ads easily and effectively.

Read the post about Pasting the AdSense Code and get familiar with the Drag and Drop feature of the new layout.

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AdSense publishers, make money using Google Maps.

If you are a webmaster/blogger(AdSense Publishers) who use the Google Maps API to create some cool maps or showoff specific places of various city maps, you are getting the opportunity to make money using Google Maps API. You maybe able to integrate AdSense Ads(With Your AdSense ID) into Google Maps and make money when people clicks on the Advertisement display on the maps.

How it works? It is quite simple. AdSense Publishers do not need to do anything about it. Google will automate the system and add AdSense Ads to the map where relevant. So, when people moused-over the Ads and click on it, AdSense Publishers will receive earnings.

When will this be available or released? Google is not announcing that and at least not yet, according to Google software developer, Andrew Eland. In the near future, surfer might see some AdSense Beta tester using this new feature on Google Maps. So, Keep our eyes wide open.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

How to use YouTube to Drive Traffic to Your blog?

After reading the post "YouTube drive Your AdSense Traffic", you might be wondering how you can drive traffic from YouTube to your blog. There are several steps to do it and it is quite simple.

First of all, you need to Sign Up for a YouTube account. With a YouTube account, you can upload your videos and show it to the world.

Second, this is the most important part. You need to create your videos. If you are writing about your personal life in your blog and you would like to share it in YouTube and drive traffic to your blog, create a video to introduce your blog and yourself. In the video, you MUST REMEMBER to put a link to your blog. People who are interested can type in the link and go to your blog. It is simple right? No.

You need software to create videos. If you only want to create slides show, you can use Microsoft Powerpoint or any other softwares to create your slides show.
**Reminder: You must include a link to your blog, if not all your efforts to drive traffic using YouTube will equal to nothing.

Third, after you created your videos. You need to upload it to YouTube. If you have slow internet connection, try to create your videos short, clear and attractive. This will reduce your uploading time.

Forth, create traffic to your videos. Tell your friends and comments on other videos. People might click on you username in YouTube and this create leads to your videos. This will attract more visitors to watch your videos ad indirectly create traffic to your blog.

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YouTube drive Your AdSense Traffic

Recently, creating videos and post it online is a hot way to share your videos with all the people around the word. Some of the people have used this technique to create fame for themselves. One of the most popular videos sharing site is YouTube. There are a lot of people using YouTube. There are millions of users and there are a lot of topic of videos you can find in YouTube.

When I'm using YouTube to watch my favourite videos like UFO videos, Naruto, Sport Car and so on, I suddenly think of an idea. Why not use YouTube as a way to drive traffic to my blog? I stopped at the idea for a while and I said to myself "Yeah! YouTube can drive thousands of traffic to my blog and it is going to be a consistent traffic if I create and place my videos in the correct categories."

Today, I decided to write something about YouTube and "How You can use YouTube to drive traffic to your blog?" This method can be the BEST way to popularize your blog and make the most MONEY from AdSense. This will be a great way to Advertise your site for FREE!!!

YouTube is a big and popular online videos sharing and streaming site. It has millions of users. Please try to imagine that you are getting 1% of YouTube traffic to your blog.

"Mathematical Calculation:
1000000 (One Million YouTube Users) If you cn get 1%, then:

1000000 x 1% = 10000 visitors to your blog.

You can get 10K visitors to your blog. Imagine that only 1% visitors click on the AdSense Ads on your blog. You are getting 100 clicks. If 1 click is $1.00, you are accumulating $100.00 very fast.

This is great. You can just sit there and relax, watchyour AdSense Income grow EXTREMELY FAST.

*I will be writing on "How To Use YouTube to Drive Traffic To Your Blog" soon. Stay tune and get more tips to MAXIMIZE traffic and Your AdSense Earnings.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Link Exchange Campaign 3rd

Link Exchange Campaign is here again. If you would like to link exchange with me, please give your link in the comments. I will add you to my "Links Exchange List".

In Exchange, you need to add a link to Earn Money From Blog into your blog.

Link Exchange can hep you get more traffic nad help you to create higher PR for your blog. Link Exchange with me today!!!

Get More Traffic and Make More From Google AdSense.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Contact Google and Tell Them Your Problems

If you have any problem about invalid clicks, accidental click(Click the Ads yourself), earnings and payment problems, account issues, Ads troubleshoting, referrals and other problems, you can always use the link below to contact Google. Tell them about your problems and get your solutions.

Contact Google and Tell Them your Problems

You will get your problems resolved if your problems are very serious.

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Related Links:

  • How Many Ads per Page

  • Comprehensive Paste AdSense Code Guides
  • My $100.00 AdSense Check Received!!!

    Today, I received my $100.00 AdSense Check. I'm very happy because the check finally arrive. The check is quite big in size and it is quite different from normal check.

    The photo is quite blur as it was taken using my handphone. Sorry for the lousy quality.

    A Million Thanks for Google AdSense!!! I will continue to work even harder to get more earnings and get even more checks from Google.

    SEO Tools At Your Service!!!

    SEO is never an easy task. Everyone is trying hard in SEO to get their site to the top in the Search Engines. SEO requires very long time to success.

    In this post, there is a link to SEO tools that can help you to improve SEO fast and help you know the trend of keywords, keywords density, keywords ranking and so on and so forth. So, you can try to make use of these tools and help you make your site appear asz the top Search Results in search engines.

    With these tools, you do not need to try a lot of different keywords for SEO. Just use the tools and search for the best keyword and make your SEO life easier, faster and more effective.

    Try out the SEO tools here.

    AdSense Sandbox: Preview The Ads of Specify Keywords

    AdSense Sandbox is a tool to preview the types of Ads that will appear for the keywords you prefer. It is quite simple to use. You only need to type in the keywords, then click "Submit". The Ads for the keywords will appear.

    You can use the tool for FREE at AdSense Sandbox.

    Preview the Ads that will appear on your site.

    Wednesday, June 13, 2007

    Prevent AdSense Ads Blindness

    What is Ads Blindness?
    Ads Blindness means the Adsense Ads are well-blend on the site and makes it not attractive and not easily observed. This is a bad way to make more from AdSense. You need to blend the AdSense Ads and you need to make it look appealing to get more clicks.

    Prevent Ads blindness.
    Placing AdSense Ads on a site is quite easy. The hard part is to optimize it. People always say that we need to blend Adsense Ads on our site to make it look like a part of our site instead of Advertisements. Is this always true? It is true for some websites but not true for all.

    If you make the AdSense Ads on your site look really like a part of your site, then you are making ADS BLINDNESS. You want people to click on it. So, the only way you can do this is to Prevent Ads Blindness. Avoid Ads Blindness can be done in several ways.

    1. Make the colors of the Ads appealing:
    Making the Ads appealing doesn't mean that you use different color for the background, if you do so, you will lose even more clicks. The concept of making the Ads appealing is by using color for the Words in the Ads. This can help to make the Ads look attractive and look important for people to click on it.

    2. Using frame for the AdSense Ads.
    You can create frame using the Adobe Photoshop or any softwares you are familiar with. Use the frame as a background for the AdSense Ads. This will make the Ads more eye catching and attract people to click on it.

    3. Place Ads in Posts page.
    Placing Ads inside posts is a good way to arract readers attention. When readers are reading your posts, and came across links, they will surely click on it. So, if you put AdSense Ads in your posts page, you can get many clicks from your readers.

    All the steps mentioned above is good to prevent Ads Blindness. This can ensure you get more clicks and even more earnings from AdSense.

    Optimize AdSense on your page, Earn Fast From AdSense.

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    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Creating Blog Template Less than 5 minutes

    Creating a blog template is very tiring. I experienced it myself, I spent hours and hours, sitting in front of my computer, writing CSS codes, previewing the template for more than hundred times and still can't get the look I want. This is the problem when we have insufficient knowledge about web design.

    There is a lot of sites that we can use to create simple CSS web design. I found one of the sites.

    I came across a very nice web design tool on the web. It is called Firdamatic. It is an online tableless layout generator that allows you to create and customise layouts easily only by completing forms, making creating skins for your Firdamatic-based layout a breeze. This tool is available for free for personal/non-commercial use only. It is FREE!!!

    The tool is very simple to use. Fill in the form at the website and click generate, your new template will be generated in less than 1 minute.

    Check out the tool by using the link below:

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    Monday, June 11, 2007

    Get back your AdSense Account!

    As mentioned in my post about "AdSense Account Termination" there are a lot of people wanted to get their account back. Is it possible? This is very hard to tell. There are people tring to contact Google to get their banned AdSense Account back but fail. Get back your banned AdSense Account is hard because it is impossible for Google to read appealing mails one-by-one. They use their robot to read the mail and sent an automated reply to your e-mail address. The chance is that you can't get your AdSense Account back.

    If you think that you didn't violate the AdSense TOS, you can try to contact Google and get your account back using the link below:
    Appeal For Your AdSense Account

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    AdSense Account Termination.

    In the AdSense Help Group, I came accross a lot of questions asking about "How to their AdSense Account back after being banned by Google?", "What can I do to recover my AdSense Account?" and so on. A lot fo people are facing the same problem of being banned by Google AdSense probably because they use the wrong techniques to earn money from AdSense.

    Your AdSense Account can be banned in several ways.
    1. Invalid clicks
    2. You accidentally or purposely clicking the AdSense Ads on your Site.
    3. Asking your friends to click the AdSense Ads on your site for you.
    4. Using softwares to generate clicks and page impressions for your site.
    5. Using affiliate programs that drive traffic to your site and generate clicks on the Adsense Ads of your site.
    6. Automated Page Refresh/Reload.
    7. Using sentences like "Useful Links", "Click Here!", "Click Here To Support Us!" and other sentences that can attract visitors to click on AdSense Ads on your site.
    8. Challenging the Term of Services(TOS) of Google Adsense.

    Several ways mentioned above will make your AdSense Account terminated by Google. So, if you have accidentally use the steps above to generate earnings from Google AdSense, please change it else you AdSense Account will be terminated without warning.

    If you are really serious to earn from AdSense, DON'T try to cheat money from Google. Google has a very SMART and POWERFUL team and they have created a very effective AdSense bot that can track the behaviour of the AdSense Ads on your site. Any clicks and earnings generate will be reported to Google.

    Always remeber that there is no short cut in AdSense, You can only optimize your site, Write Good Contents, Get Traffic, Play Honest with AdSense, Gain the "Trust" of AdSense bot, In the long run, You can maximize your AdSense Income.

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    Friday, June 8, 2007

    AdSense Preview Tool

    The AdSense Preview Tool from Google Adsense is a very useful tool especially when you are interested about the Ads displayed on your site. You can't click on the Ads to see the contents(It will be against the TOS if you click on it), so the only way is to use the AdSense Preview Tool. By using AdSense Preview Tool, you can view the address of the Ads and go to the website manually in your browser.
    AdSense Preview Tool also allow AdSense Publishers to have a look at the types of ads that will appear on corresponding site too!

    Use the link below to install the tool to your browser(Best in IE):
    1. Click the link below and select "Save Target As..." and then Save the registry file (.reg) to your desktop.

    2. Open the file on your desktop and then a confirmation window will appear. Follow all the steps and the installation will only take a while.
    3. Before that, you must close all IE windows. Then, restart the IE.
    4. Done!.
    5. Now you can try to go to your site or any sites and right click. You can see a "AdSense Preview Tool" from the menu. Click it to launch the tool.
    *Notice: Do not right click in the AdSense Ads block if you do so relevant Ads will not appear in the AdSense Preview Tool.
    Have Fun With The Tool!!!

    To uninstall:
    1. In case you want to uninstall the tool, you can use the link below to download the uninstaller.
    2. Open the file on your desktop and then a comfirmation window will appear. Follow all the steps and the installation will only take a while.
    3. After the uninstall complete, the tool will be remove from your computer.
    **Hope it is useful to you and use the tool on AdSense Pros websites and you can see great things.

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    Related Links:
  • Adding Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
  • AdSense Tools
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • Google Analytics
  • Get More Traffic, Earn More From AdSense

    Everyone knows that getting traffic to their AdSense blog or site can help them get more clicks and earn more money from Google AdSense. The problem is that most of us don't know good and effective ways to get those traffic coming to our site or blog.

    According to my research done on SEO and online marketing tips, I found that SEO and marketing tips have been using the same technique and it is a good way to get targetted traffic to site/blog which can help to increase your earnings. The way I found probably is the best way to DOUBLE the money you earn from your blog or site. The powerful way I discovered is using Articles Submission Services.

    What is Articles Submission?
    Articles Submission is a service offer by some website to help you publish your articles on their . Some of them offer Free service while some offer paid service.

    How to Submit Your Articles?
    You need to write an article or post with good contents. Create the article or post in about 300 to 500 words and it must be an original contents (Written Yourself). Then, you should make some optimization in the article or post using anchor texts. Then, you can use the popular Articles Submission Service called and submit your article or post there. (You need to sign up first before you can submit.) has PR8 or PR9 in Google Search Engine, so you will really benefit from it.

    Why Articles Submission is a Great Way to Get Traffic?
    Articles Submission can help you publish your articles to articles submission websites. People like to find contents on articles submission websites, so, your articles will be much more visible in searches. These people will sometimes copy your articles to be used on their sites and the anchor text in your posts will act as the links to get traffic to your site or blog.

    People will not modify your articles because it is the Rules and Regulations of the Articles Submission Service. So, your links will appear in a lot of sites or blogs and you will notice MASSIVE TRAFFIC coming to your site or blog in no time. Your PR will also increase and make your site or blog SEO friendly.

    **This step is very important to increase your AdSense earnings. Most AdSense Pros and Online Pro Marketers are using this step to get unlimited traffic to their sites and they make GREAT MONEY from AdSense and their sellings. They successfully earn money from the web why not you?

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    Related Links:

  • Blog for Unlimited Money
  • AdSense: The Money Making Machine
  • Diversified Your Income
  • Tweak Your Ads For Clicks
  • AdSense Traffic
  • 5 Ways To AdSense Success
  • Tips to Better Ads Placement
  • Keywords Tips
  • Powerful Ads Placement
  • Tips From Google
  • Extending Online Income
  • SEO List