Normally, in Blogger we can only see our template lik the pictures below:

This post will teach you how to make the "Add a page Element" appear at the Header. After you apply the steps in this post, then you can add something into your header easily.

Step-by-step Guide:
1. Login to your Blogger Account.
2. Click on "Layout" at the blog your want to make changes.
3. Then, click on "Edit HTML".
4. Now, here is a serious part. Try to find the code in the picture below:

6. Make changes to it. Change the maxwidget='1' to maxwidget='5' and change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'.
Finally, the code will look like pictures below:

Click to see larger picture.
7. After you have completed all this steps, "Save Template".
8. Go to your "Page Element" tab. You will find that you can "Add a page element" to your header.
9. This is useful especially if you want to place AdSense for Contents(Link Units) there.
Happy Blogging!!!

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