Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bukisa Payment: USD$10.69 Received

Hi everyone, after a long period of time using Bukisa (I'm not very active in Bukisa), I finally got paid by Bukisa. I received a total of USD$10.69 from Bukisa 2 weeks ago. For you information, I am very happy to get paid by Bukisa because I have not been very active in Bukisa and I got paid. It is quite easy. 

Anyway, starting today, I will be a lot more active in Bukisa. I hope that Bukisa will be another great source of income for me in the months to come. If you have not participated in Bukisa and you do not know what Bukisa is all about, you can continue reading this post because I will explain further about Bukisa or you can read about Bukisa in details [Bukisa: Write Articles and Get Paid]

Please continue reading for more information about Bukisa.

Bukisa is another site that works almost identical to Triond. Bukisa is a sites where we can publish our articles and make money from our articles CONTINUOUSLY months after months. So, Bukisa is a great site for lazy people like me because all I need to do is to write once and continuously making money over and over again using my articles. 

Bukisa is paying very good amount of money. Currently, Bukisa is paying USD$3.22 for 1000 views on our articles. So, if 1 of our articles get 1000 views, we get USD$3.22. Imagine that you have 100 articles that get 1000 views each and every month? That would be USD$322.00 per month with no extra works.

So, if your blog is making very less income for you or your blog not even make a penny for you, you can consider joining Bukisa because if you write articles, you will get paid in long term and the income is continuous income. 

So, I recommend Bukisa to everyone because it is an amazing site to make money without using a blog. 

I would be very thankful if you could join using this link ( Sign Up for Bukisa Free ), I really hope that you would join me in Bukisa using my link, so that we could be linked together in Bukisa and generate more views on each others articles together to make money faster in Bukisa. Thanks and lets make more money online. 

Note: Join using my link can help to link us together in Bukisa so that we can view each others articles faster generate more money together.

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