Make no mistake – e-books are big business online. No matter what you search for there will be someone out there selling an e-book on it.
But the best thing about them is that they provide one of the most potentially lucrative businesses you could ever hope to start online. So long as you do your homework and don’t try and cut corners you can start making inroads into this business within days of deciding to get started. There is plenty to learn but none of it is beyond you – and even if you don’t think you’re up to the job there are plenty of people you can call on to help you.
If you’re thinking of selling e-books to make money online, your best bet is to write your own.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
But why do that when there are plenty of affiliate e-books around that you can promote and earn a cut from?
The answer is simple. If you write and create your own e-book no one else will be selling anything quite like it. You’ve got a unique product that will draw attention since no one will have seen it before. As long as you do your research first, you could make a lot of money from one e-book alone.
So first thing’s first – how do you decide what to write an e-book about?
Think about what subjects are currently popular online. Making money will always be a great subject (look at this blog for example!) so anything that taps into this field which doesn’t cover the same ground as loads of other e-books could do well. Try and focus on a specific niche to get the best results; you could start by thinking about what you personally find interesting and see whether any of your hobbies might provide fertile ground to explore.
Once you’ve got some ideas see whether there are already any e-books doing well online on that subject. If there don’t seem to be any around you’ll need to dig a bit further to see if your subject is going to be popular enough to attract a lot of sales. A spot of keyword research and simply looking up related search terms on Google can help reveal the answer to this.
Okay – so let’s assume you now have an idea for an e-book you think will be popular. Next up you have to plan the contents and think of a great title. Titles are very important since they will give the potential buyer an idea of what to expect from the e-book itself. It needs to be specific and intriguing – and full of promise. Don’t worry if one doesn’t occur to you straightaway; quite often you will only think of it once the book is almost written.
The biggest problem when it comes to writing the book itself is staying on topic. It’s very easy to veer off course if you’re not careful, which is why having a pre-written outline to follow will keep you on track. If you plan this out before you begin writing you’ll find the whole process much easier to manage. If you don’t feel confident enough to write it yourself you can hire a ghostwriter to do it for you; there are plenty of sites online where you can hire a freelancer for a fixed fee that you decide on. This gives you complete control over the project.
Incidentally the word ‘e-book’ can be somewhat misleading for newbies to the business. An e-book can indeed be a hundred pages or more long, but it can also be no more than a dozen pages or so. The price for a shorter e-book will of course be lower, but it is still more than you might think given the length of the book itself.
Of course you need to think about more than just the e-book if you want to sell plenty of copies of it. You need to get the word out, and you need to have a great mini website to show it off. These mini websites are really single page sites which promote your e-book in a long sales letter. You would do well to spend as much time writing the sales letter as you did the e-book itself, since it has a very important job to do.
First off you need a stunning headline that will grab the attention. You need to really sell this to everyone who lands on your website so don’t be afraid to shout about the benefits of your e-book! You’ll notice I said benefits there and not features; that’s because the benefits will tell your readers what your book will do for them. That’s a very important point to understand since it could make the difference between getting a reasonable amount of sales and being buried under an avalanche of them!
Think about your price carefully too. Don’t be greedy – but at the same time don’t go too low either. You want to give an impression of quality. Do some research and see what similar titles in your subject area are selling for.
You can also sell more copies by offering bonuses along with the e-book itself. Could you write a number of special reports as well, each one a few pages long, which relate to the subject of your main book? Anything like this will encourage still more people to buy from you rather than going elsewhere for a similar title.
The ultimate goal for you should be to write a series of e-books which each have their own website to sell from. When you write each sales letter be sure to include plenty of keywords and phrases to attract a greater volume of search engine traffic to your site. Pick a good and relevant domain name too – it will help to draw in more people.
The hardest step is in writing that first e-book. Once you’ve got going and you’ve had some experience you’ll start writing them faster, picking better titles and subjects, and selling more copies as a result. Before you know it you’ll have a great business on your hands.
If you’d like to comment on this piece, please leave your message using the form below. Then get writing – your first e-book is there, you just have to get it out.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
How To Make Money With ClickBank
ClickBank is just about the biggest website on the internet today as far as affiliates are concerned. If you want to make money online but you don’t have a product of your own to promote, what better solution could there be than to promote someone else’s in exchange for a slice of the profits?
ClickBank is a no brainer if you want to get started on no cash at all, and you have your choice of products to promote as well. It’s also a great chance to experiment a little and get to know what niches are profitable and which ones have the best products that you make the most sales on.
As far as an introduction to affiliate marketing goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank…
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Affiliate accounts are free at ClickBank, and once you have got yours you will need to take a look at the huge number of opportunities you have to promote products – mostly e-books – to your chosen audience.
Now you might be wondering how you can do this without having a website of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page (or in fact as many as you like) from Squidoo. Check out the separate blog entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote ClickBank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeal to them. Use the search facility on ClickBank to help narrow down the number of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate category as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated link (called a hoplink) that will ensure you get a portion of the proceeds if someone clicks through to buy a product you have recommended. You can cloak this if you wish for extra security on your part by visiting one of the many free shortened URL sites online today.
The best way to profit from ClickBank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate link for your customer to click on. The idea is to almost pre-sell the product before they even reach the sales page. You really need to be able to recommend it to them by stirring up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they build a free web page (on Squidoo) or even a whole website on a specific subject, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find useful and interesting. In this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who knows a bit about what they are saying. It’s ironic really, but if you come across as an affiliate people will assume you are just out to make money and won’t even take a second look at the sales page you are trying to send them to – even if that product is really worth looking at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate trying to make money from ClickBank, and the more you remember that the more sales you are likely to make over time.
The good thing is that no matter how many different products you can promote, all your earnings will go straight into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payment threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the site and get to know how it works. Once you have done that start researching a few choice niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see results.
But before you head on over to ClickBank to sign up for your free account, make sure you leave a comment for us below! We always love to hear from you.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
ClickBank is a no brainer if you want to get started on no cash at all, and you have your choice of products to promote as well. It’s also a great chance to experiment a little and get to know what niches are profitable and which ones have the best products that you make the most sales on.
As far as an introduction to affiliate marketing goes, the best place to head to is definitely ClickBank…
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Affiliate accounts are free at ClickBank, and once you have got yours you will need to take a look at the huge number of opportunities you have to promote products – mostly e-books – to your chosen audience.
Now you might be wondering how you can do this without having a website of your own or a blog you are hosting yourself, but all you need to do is get a free web page (or in fact as many as you like) from Squidoo. Check out the separate blog entry on that very subject to see how you can combine the two for maximum benefits.
If you do have a site of your own you can easily promote ClickBank products to your existing audience by searching for items that are likely to appeal to them. Use the search facility on ClickBank to help narrow down the number of products to sort through, and pick an appropriate category as well, to make sure you find the most suitable items.
You will get a dedicated link (called a hoplink) that will ensure you get a portion of the proceeds if someone clicks through to buy a product you have recommended. You can cloak this if you wish for extra security on your part by visiting one of the many free shortened URL sites online today.
The best way to profit from ClickBank is to focus on providing more than just an affiliate link for your customer to click on. The idea is to almost pre-sell the product before they even reach the sales page. You really need to be able to recommend it to them by stirring up some enthusiasm first.
A lot of affiliates get to the stage where they build a free web page (on Squidoo) or even a whole website on a specific subject, and write (or have someone else write) material that the visitors will find useful and interesting. In this way you are building a relationship with your visitors and projecting an image of someone that can be trusted and who knows a bit about what they are saying. It’s ironic really, but if you come across as an affiliate people will assume you are just out to make money and won’t even take a second look at the sales page you are trying to send them to – even if that product is really worth looking at.
Less is more when you are an affiliate trying to make money from ClickBank, and the more you remember that the more sales you are likely to make over time.
The good thing is that no matter how many different products you can promote, all your earnings will go straight into the same account, ready to be paid to you once you hit your payment threshold.
The best way to start with ClickBank is to find your way around the site and get to know how it works. Once you have done that start researching a few choice niches and develop things from there. Slowly but surely you will start to see results.
But before you head on over to ClickBank to sign up for your free account, make sure you leave a comment for us below! We always love to hear from you.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
How To Make Money With Google Adsense
If you have a website or a blog, you should definitely sign up for Google Adsense. It’s one of the few programs you can truly ‘set and forget’ – once it’s there you don’t really need to do much else with it.
But there are ways and means to maximize your income from Google Adsense, and as you get to know more about it you can start to generate a decent income from it that will keep rolling in month after month. It’s a true passive income, which is why so many people are using it.
Most people have heard of Google Adsense, but not everyone understands exactly how to use it to its best advantage. So we’ll start with how to use it in its most basic sense and then progress to the more advanced benefits you can get from the program.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Basically if you have a website or blog you can sign up for a free account at Google Adsense and start putting contextual ads on your website. What do I mean by contextual? It means quite simply that the ads which appear on your site will be relevant to your content. So let’s say for example that your website is about tropical fish. The Google ads will then be related to tropical fish in some way. And because of the information that you give to Google, they will also display adverts that are relevant to your area. So if you are based in the UK the ads that appear will be relevant to UK buyers; if your site or business is based in Australia the ads will appeal to Australian buyers.
All of this is carefully worked out for you in order to attract the maximum click through possible for your website and your ads. Every time someone clicks on an ad you will get a few cents into your Adsense account, so it makes sense that the more attractive and relevant your ads are to your visitors, the more money you will make.
Let’s have a look at the appearance of your ads now, since this can affect the amount of click throughs you get. You can choose the color and borders of your ads to fit right in with the color scheme on your site if you wish, but it’s worth experimenting with having no borders at all around your adverts since this makes them blend in with your content more seamlessly and may encourage more click throughs in a subtle but effective manner.
However well you integrate Google Adsense into your current blog or website though, there is obviously a limit to the amount of money you can make from one site. If you get thousands of people visiting your site every day then you can expect to get a good income from it but many people don’t get this number of visitors and that’s where you need a separate strategy to try and up your numbers.
In this case you can go to the advanced level of Adsense income and think about starting several sites, all based around a different yet popular subject. You should think of these essentially as being content sites, since they are often chock full of articles and useful content which is carefully keyworded to attract plenty of search engine traffic on that particular subject. The Adsense ads are then placed in the optimum positions to achieve the best click through (the Adsense pages will give you ideas on where to position them but it’s worth experimenting to see what works best for you), and the site goes live for people to find and read through.
You can also insert affiliate links for products into these sites in order to gain even more income if you wish, but they are often known as Adsense sites simply because they are set up to attract visitors and click throughs on a specific subject.
Some people end up with dozens of sites like this, and the beauty of them is that once they are built and you have bought your domain name and hosting plan you don’t really need to do too much with them except for promote them. Updating them fairly regularly is good if you want to get to a higher position in the search engine results though, which will gain you more visitors as a result.
You can also keep your site updated more regularly (and encourage repeat visitors) by inserting RSS feeds of news stories related to the subject of your website. Anything that will get people returning to read more – and possibly click on more ads as a result – is worth a try.
One final note here – choose the subjects of your Adsense sites wisely. It’s tempting to go for whatever is in the news at the moment, but once the stories die down so will your traffic. You want something that people will always want to know about – saving money, getting a better job, earning more, and various other more personal subjects such as skin care and successful dating for example. There are plenty of options to choose from; you just need to get your thinking cap on to find them.
In short the best place to start making money from Google Adsense is to integrate it into your existing website or blog. As you gain experience and discover the best ways to use it you can start thinking about adding extra sites into the mix. You might end up being an Adsense guru and raking in plenty of money for very little work indeed. That’s the best thing about it – the ‘set and forget’ benefit that keeps on working even when you’re not.
If you enjoyed this article or have any questions or comments about it, please leave them by using the form below. Once you’ve done that it will be time to visit Google’s Adsense site to get started! Good luck.
But there are ways and means to maximize your income from Google Adsense, and as you get to know more about it you can start to generate a decent income from it that will keep rolling in month after month. It’s a true passive income, which is why so many people are using it.
Most people have heard of Google Adsense, but not everyone understands exactly how to use it to its best advantage. So we’ll start with how to use it in its most basic sense and then progress to the more advanced benefits you can get from the program.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Basically if you have a website or blog you can sign up for a free account at Google Adsense and start putting contextual ads on your website. What do I mean by contextual? It means quite simply that the ads which appear on your site will be relevant to your content. So let’s say for example that your website is about tropical fish. The Google ads will then be related to tropical fish in some way. And because of the information that you give to Google, they will also display adverts that are relevant to your area. So if you are based in the UK the ads that appear will be relevant to UK buyers; if your site or business is based in Australia the ads will appeal to Australian buyers.
All of this is carefully worked out for you in order to attract the maximum click through possible for your website and your ads. Every time someone clicks on an ad you will get a few cents into your Adsense account, so it makes sense that the more attractive and relevant your ads are to your visitors, the more money you will make.
Let’s have a look at the appearance of your ads now, since this can affect the amount of click throughs you get. You can choose the color and borders of your ads to fit right in with the color scheme on your site if you wish, but it’s worth experimenting with having no borders at all around your adverts since this makes them blend in with your content more seamlessly and may encourage more click throughs in a subtle but effective manner.
However well you integrate Google Adsense into your current blog or website though, there is obviously a limit to the amount of money you can make from one site. If you get thousands of people visiting your site every day then you can expect to get a good income from it but many people don’t get this number of visitors and that’s where you need a separate strategy to try and up your numbers.
In this case you can go to the advanced level of Adsense income and think about starting several sites, all based around a different yet popular subject. You should think of these essentially as being content sites, since they are often chock full of articles and useful content which is carefully keyworded to attract plenty of search engine traffic on that particular subject. The Adsense ads are then placed in the optimum positions to achieve the best click through (the Adsense pages will give you ideas on where to position them but it’s worth experimenting to see what works best for you), and the site goes live for people to find and read through.
You can also insert affiliate links for products into these sites in order to gain even more income if you wish, but they are often known as Adsense sites simply because they are set up to attract visitors and click throughs on a specific subject.
Some people end up with dozens of sites like this, and the beauty of them is that once they are built and you have bought your domain name and hosting plan you don’t really need to do too much with them except for promote them. Updating them fairly regularly is good if you want to get to a higher position in the search engine results though, which will gain you more visitors as a result.
You can also keep your site updated more regularly (and encourage repeat visitors) by inserting RSS feeds of news stories related to the subject of your website. Anything that will get people returning to read more – and possibly click on more ads as a result – is worth a try.
One final note here – choose the subjects of your Adsense sites wisely. It’s tempting to go for whatever is in the news at the moment, but once the stories die down so will your traffic. You want something that people will always want to know about – saving money, getting a better job, earning more, and various other more personal subjects such as skin care and successful dating for example. There are plenty of options to choose from; you just need to get your thinking cap on to find them.
In short the best place to start making money from Google Adsense is to integrate it into your existing website or blog. As you gain experience and discover the best ways to use it you can start thinking about adding extra sites into the mix. You might end up being an Adsense guru and raking in plenty of money for very little work indeed. That’s the best thing about it – the ‘set and forget’ benefit that keeps on working even when you’re not.
If you enjoyed this article or have any questions or comments about it, please leave them by using the form below. Once you’ve done that it will be time to visit Google’s Adsense site to get started! Good luck.
How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
How would you like to earn a little extra cash each month? Or even replace your income, working less to make more money… Think its a pipe dream? well, think again.
Most people know that there are millions of dollars being spent every single day purchasing products and services online. But did you know that you could be earning a % on every sale made by simply referring and recommending the products that you like to people.
It’s one of the best ways to get started making money online – you don’t need a website, you don’t need a blog, you don’t even need any cash to get started, although these things can help, you can certainly start without them. By helping consumers research and choose products they already want to buy, which could be as simple as writing a 500 word article (just like this one) you could be earning a nice little second income.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Or if you want to take it a little more seriously, you can earn a full income, even more than most “real world” jobs pay.
I personally make a full time living through affiliate marketing, and have been doing it now for about 5 years. Working from home, choosing the hours to suit my lifestyle, and making a lot more than I ever made working 60 hours a week in a job I hated.
But if you really want to achieve some success with affiliate marketing you need a plan that will get you the level of income you want. A lot of people I speak too love the “Idea” of making money online, they usually ask me a million questions, and tell me how serious they are, how they are going to go home and get stuck into it, read all the stuff I recommend and get started asap.
But then most of them never actually follow through on any of it. Then 6 months later I will see them again, some will avoid the topic completely, while others tell me again how serious they are, and they are really going to do it “this time”.
It’s pretty ammusing for me, watching people make up excuses as to why they havnt done anything.
Personally I don’t really care if they do it or not, it doesn’t effect me at all. Although it would be nice to have more friends who arent working all week to play golf with and take the boat out. But other than that, it makes no difference to me.
I don’t really understand it though, I believe its the perfect business, think about it, you can make as much money as you like, your income is a direct result of the amount of effort you put in. You can work whatever hours you like. (Which is very few when you have been doing it for a few years) Plus you can do it from anywhere you can plug in a laptop. So if you like to Holiday or travel around the world, its the perfect business.
But how do you get involved?
The best place to start is by going to a website that houses a wide range of affiliate products. This keeps everything together in one easy to access place and gives you plenty to explore. You can also get an idea of which particular areas you would like to concentrate on. The worst thing you can do in affiliate marketing is to use the scattergun approach.
This is when you try and promote a wide range of products that aren’t connected with each other, all from a single website. In essence it isn’t aimed at anyone – and you’ll make fewer sales as a result.
Instead, do some research and come up with a specific group of people that you can find a wide range of products for. Or find a particular problem that people are searching online for solutions too, and direct them to the solution. Not only do you stand a much better chance of making a sale, But people will actually thank you for helping them find a solution, and be more than happy that you got paid to help them.
But if you don’t have a website, how can you promote your products?
There are several ways of doing this. One of the best is to use article directories like or Web 2.0 sites like, which allow you to build web pages for free on pretty much any subject you like. Once these get indexed by Google and you do a little promotion for them, then you’ll start getting a steady stream of traffic – if you’ve picked the right topics and search terms to target.
At the beginning I mentioned the need to have a plan to reach the level of income you want. Not many affiliates actually do this and it’s one of the main reasons why more people aren’t making a lot of money with affiliate marketing. It’s certainly not because the potential isn’t there – it’s because they don’t plan to take advantage of it in the right way.
You should always look at how much you will get by way of commission for each product. Obviously the less the commission, the more units you will need to sell to achieve your desired income. You’ll achieve this through a balance of products obviously, but it’s worth bearing in mind.
You also need to think about the type of people you are marketing to. What kind of income do they bring in? How much are they likely to want to spend on the products you’ll be offering? If you don’t match these two aspects up properly you will struggle to make any real sales.
It’s also helpful to set short, medium and long term goals to help keep things in perspective. A short term goal might be to sell five products a week continually, for example. A long term goal could be to make $100,000 a year from affiliate marketing. Goals will help you to decide where you want to go with your fledgling affiliate marketing business.
Another important point to be aware of is that it’s wise to protect your income wherever you can. What I mean by this is that affiliate links can be rather obvious at times, and some people will actually delete your link and go into the site and buy something while denying you the commission.
The easy way to prevent this is to simply buy a domain for each product you are going to promote, and redirect it to the affiliate offer. There are plenty of free tools that do this for you online, and it’s really the safest way to protect your interests. It also changes a long ugly link into a nice short one – much nicer for the article directories!
Affiliate marketing is like any other business, once you start generating some income, then you can start to invest some of that money back into your business to ensure you enjoy ongoing growth.
In short, start slowly and keep those visions of a huge income in perspective to begin with. You’ll soon get to know your way around the business and with each new experience you can build your knowledge and earn even more in the months and years to come.
When I was first starting out, I learnt the basics by purchasing a few books and e-books on the topic, but mostly it was left to trial and error. I had to make a lot of mistakes in order to find a few good ideas that worked and made money.
Fortunately these days there are some really good resources available for people looking to learn this business. So if you’re serious about becoming an affiliate marketer, check out some of the resources on this page.
The most important thing to do though, is to just get started, do something right now, then follow it up tomorrow with something else… Try and do something every day towards your goal, don’t put it off for a single day, and before you know it, you will have a nice steady stream of profits coming in.
Too many of the people I talk to, put things off until they have more time, but then they forget, and never end up getting started at all. So commit to yourself, take some action and get started today.
Most people know that there are millions of dollars being spent every single day purchasing products and services online. But did you know that you could be earning a % on every sale made by simply referring and recommending the products that you like to people.
It’s one of the best ways to get started making money online – you don’t need a website, you don’t need a blog, you don’t even need any cash to get started, although these things can help, you can certainly start without them. By helping consumers research and choose products they already want to buy, which could be as simple as writing a 500 word article (just like this one) you could be earning a nice little second income.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Or if you want to take it a little more seriously, you can earn a full income, even more than most “real world” jobs pay.
I personally make a full time living through affiliate marketing, and have been doing it now for about 5 years. Working from home, choosing the hours to suit my lifestyle, and making a lot more than I ever made working 60 hours a week in a job I hated.
But if you really want to achieve some success with affiliate marketing you need a plan that will get you the level of income you want. A lot of people I speak too love the “Idea” of making money online, they usually ask me a million questions, and tell me how serious they are, how they are going to go home and get stuck into it, read all the stuff I recommend and get started asap.
But then most of them never actually follow through on any of it. Then 6 months later I will see them again, some will avoid the topic completely, while others tell me again how serious they are, and they are really going to do it “this time”.
It’s pretty ammusing for me, watching people make up excuses as to why they havnt done anything.
Personally I don’t really care if they do it or not, it doesn’t effect me at all. Although it would be nice to have more friends who arent working all week to play golf with and take the boat out. But other than that, it makes no difference to me.
I don’t really understand it though, I believe its the perfect business, think about it, you can make as much money as you like, your income is a direct result of the amount of effort you put in. You can work whatever hours you like. (Which is very few when you have been doing it for a few years) Plus you can do it from anywhere you can plug in a laptop. So if you like to Holiday or travel around the world, its the perfect business.
But how do you get involved?
The best place to start is by going to a website that houses a wide range of affiliate products. This keeps everything together in one easy to access place and gives you plenty to explore. You can also get an idea of which particular areas you would like to concentrate on. The worst thing you can do in affiliate marketing is to use the scattergun approach.
This is when you try and promote a wide range of products that aren’t connected with each other, all from a single website. In essence it isn’t aimed at anyone – and you’ll make fewer sales as a result.
Instead, do some research and come up with a specific group of people that you can find a wide range of products for. Or find a particular problem that people are searching online for solutions too, and direct them to the solution. Not only do you stand a much better chance of making a sale, But people will actually thank you for helping them find a solution, and be more than happy that you got paid to help them.
But if you don’t have a website, how can you promote your products?
There are several ways of doing this. One of the best is to use article directories like or Web 2.0 sites like, which allow you to build web pages for free on pretty much any subject you like. Once these get indexed by Google and you do a little promotion for them, then you’ll start getting a steady stream of traffic – if you’ve picked the right topics and search terms to target.
At the beginning I mentioned the need to have a plan to reach the level of income you want. Not many affiliates actually do this and it’s one of the main reasons why more people aren’t making a lot of money with affiliate marketing. It’s certainly not because the potential isn’t there – it’s because they don’t plan to take advantage of it in the right way.
You should always look at how much you will get by way of commission for each product. Obviously the less the commission, the more units you will need to sell to achieve your desired income. You’ll achieve this through a balance of products obviously, but it’s worth bearing in mind.
You also need to think about the type of people you are marketing to. What kind of income do they bring in? How much are they likely to want to spend on the products you’ll be offering? If you don’t match these two aspects up properly you will struggle to make any real sales.
It’s also helpful to set short, medium and long term goals to help keep things in perspective. A short term goal might be to sell five products a week continually, for example. A long term goal could be to make $100,000 a year from affiliate marketing. Goals will help you to decide where you want to go with your fledgling affiliate marketing business.
Another important point to be aware of is that it’s wise to protect your income wherever you can. What I mean by this is that affiliate links can be rather obvious at times, and some people will actually delete your link and go into the site and buy something while denying you the commission.
The easy way to prevent this is to simply buy a domain for each product you are going to promote, and redirect it to the affiliate offer. There are plenty of free tools that do this for you online, and it’s really the safest way to protect your interests. It also changes a long ugly link into a nice short one – much nicer for the article directories!
Affiliate marketing is like any other business, once you start generating some income, then you can start to invest some of that money back into your business to ensure you enjoy ongoing growth.
In short, start slowly and keep those visions of a huge income in perspective to begin with. You’ll soon get to know your way around the business and with each new experience you can build your knowledge and earn even more in the months and years to come.
When I was first starting out, I learnt the basics by purchasing a few books and e-books on the topic, but mostly it was left to trial and error. I had to make a lot of mistakes in order to find a few good ideas that worked and made money.
Fortunately these days there are some really good resources available for people looking to learn this business. So if you’re serious about becoming an affiliate marketer, check out some of the resources on this page.
The most important thing to do though, is to just get started, do something right now, then follow it up tomorrow with something else… Try and do something every day towards your goal, don’t put it off for a single day, and before you know it, you will have a nice steady stream of profits coming in.
Too many of the people I talk to, put things off until they have more time, but then they forget, and never end up getting started at all. So commit to yourself, take some action and get started today.
How To Make Money With Facebook
If you haven’t heard of Facebook by now, you must be one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t. It’s one of the biggest social networking sites on the internet, and as such it offers a great way to get in touch with like minded people who have similar interests to you.
But while many social networking sites don’t particularly like blatant advertising on their pages, Facebook doesn’t fall into that group. There are ways and means to do most things online, and with Facebook the answer is in attracting the right kind of people to your profile page.
There is one other main feature that makes Facebook well worth looking at for making money though, and that will be revealed if you read the rest of this entry.
If you’re ready to get started making money on Facebook, click here to read about a 23 year old guy who has made thousands of dollars a month using nothing but a Free Facebook Account!
Once you have signed up to Facebook your first step should be to think about how you want to present yourself. I say that because you don’t have to be yourself in order to make money from Facebook. Don’t forget that you want to attract the attention of a specific group of people here, so that you become known as someone who is something of an expert on one particular subject. So choose wisely!
Go for a popular niche that you have an interest in yourself, and develop your persona in that area. If you already have something of a web presence in this area then you’ll find it will help you as more and more people become aware of who you are and what you know about.
Your first port of call, if you have anything second hand to sell which is related to your niche, is the Marketplace. It’s free to place ads in the Marketplace and there is no limit on how many you can place, so if for example you come across a bargain lot of books on your subject on eBay or at a yard sale you can list them all individually on Facebook and sell them on for a profit.
If you have a budget to spend on advertising and you have some external websites you want to promote, you can try out the Social Ads to see what benefits you get from them. It is well worth reading through the relevant help section to see what is involved though, as it is quite in depth.
The main benefit to being a member of Facebook is that you can build and use any number of applications to perform certain tasks on your profile page. Facebook doesn’t frown at users making money from their Facebook page, and indeed many people link in to other websites outside of Facebook itself. People are constantly building new applications and many of them are used by many different users to create pages that appeal to their own particular needs.
This is partly why you will succeed in making more money from Facebook if you brand yourself carefully before you get started on the site. Figure out what it is you want to do and what you want to achieve. If you already have a website up and running then you will be able to link into that, so keep the look and feel of your Facebook page in the same vein as your site.
But while you can link to other sites outside of Facebook, some people also sprinkle some affiliate links on their actual Facebook page itself. For example, some quick research revealed one person who links into a range of ClickBank products on their page and does well from doing so.
So long as you start from a strong position with a particular focus and brand in mind, you can do well by experimenting with all the benefits that Facebook offers. Take time to build up a network of friends and make sure you become known for being an expert in your particular sphere of interest.
If you’re ready to get started making money on Facebook, click here to read about a 23 year old guy who has made thousands of dollars a month using nothing but a Free Facebook Account!
But while many social networking sites don’t particularly like blatant advertising on their pages, Facebook doesn’t fall into that group. There are ways and means to do most things online, and with Facebook the answer is in attracting the right kind of people to your profile page.
There is one other main feature that makes Facebook well worth looking at for making money though, and that will be revealed if you read the rest of this entry.
If you’re ready to get started making money on Facebook, click here to read about a 23 year old guy who has made thousands of dollars a month using nothing but a Free Facebook Account!
Once you have signed up to Facebook your first step should be to think about how you want to present yourself. I say that because you don’t have to be yourself in order to make money from Facebook. Don’t forget that you want to attract the attention of a specific group of people here, so that you become known as someone who is something of an expert on one particular subject. So choose wisely!
Go for a popular niche that you have an interest in yourself, and develop your persona in that area. If you already have something of a web presence in this area then you’ll find it will help you as more and more people become aware of who you are and what you know about.
Your first port of call, if you have anything second hand to sell which is related to your niche, is the Marketplace. It’s free to place ads in the Marketplace and there is no limit on how many you can place, so if for example you come across a bargain lot of books on your subject on eBay or at a yard sale you can list them all individually on Facebook and sell them on for a profit.
If you have a budget to spend on advertising and you have some external websites you want to promote, you can try out the Social Ads to see what benefits you get from them. It is well worth reading through the relevant help section to see what is involved though, as it is quite in depth.
The main benefit to being a member of Facebook is that you can build and use any number of applications to perform certain tasks on your profile page. Facebook doesn’t frown at users making money from their Facebook page, and indeed many people link in to other websites outside of Facebook itself. People are constantly building new applications and many of them are used by many different users to create pages that appeal to their own particular needs.
This is partly why you will succeed in making more money from Facebook if you brand yourself carefully before you get started on the site. Figure out what it is you want to do and what you want to achieve. If you already have a website up and running then you will be able to link into that, so keep the look and feel of your Facebook page in the same vein as your site.
But while you can link to other sites outside of Facebook, some people also sprinkle some affiliate links on their actual Facebook page itself. For example, some quick research revealed one person who links into a range of ClickBank products on their page and does well from doing so.
So long as you start from a strong position with a particular focus and brand in mind, you can do well by experimenting with all the benefits that Facebook offers. Take time to build up a network of friends and make sure you become known for being an expert in your particular sphere of interest.
If you’re ready to get started making money on Facebook, click here to read about a 23 year old guy who has made thousands of dollars a month using nothing but a Free Facebook Account!
How To Make Money Blogging
More and more people are realising that blogging is one of the best ways to start your own online business. It requires minimal start up costs, you can build an impressive and loyal readership over time and once you know how to monetize your blog it can also bring in a decent income that will keep on coming even on the days when you don’t update your blog.
There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress, Blogger, or another free site that hosts your blog for you; or alternatively you can set up your own blog under your own domain name.
If you want to make serious money from blogging, you must have complete control over your blog – and that’s something the free blogging accounts won’t give you. You’ll be bound by their terms and conditions and that usually includes not being able to actively promote anything. There are plenty of people who have established a blog only to have it removed without notice some weeks or months later.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
It will cost you a few dollars to buy your domain name and set up a web server that will host your blog, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost involved. It can literally be as little as $20 a year we’re talking about here – and that buys you total freedom.
Once you’re ready to set your blog up you’ll need to choose a good theme and layout for it. You might find one that relates to your choice of subject (more on that in a moment) or else there might be one you just like the look of. But there are thousands of templates available for you to use – a simple search on Google will reveal the ones that will be best suited to your topic.
But perhaps the most important question is what you are going to blog about. The whole world is your oyster here – some people blog about their lives in general; some blog about their jobs; some blog about their hobbies; some tell the world about their kids and what it’s like to be a parent, and still others blog about the weird world of celebrities. But whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. Don’t forget, you are going to be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don’t have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your posts – and no one else will have the enthusiasm to read them.
Okay – so you’ve got your subject. Now you have to start writing your blog posts. If you take a look at just a few of the blogs already online, you’ll notice that the length of the posts varies a lot. Some people only write a paragraph or two each time, but you’ll get better results if you go for something a little longer than this. Around 400 to 500 words makes for a good post with a lot of information in it; some people write hugely long posts that are thousands of words long and could be called an e-book by another name.
But you can also take the format of this blog, by posting a short blog entry which leads into a longer article. This has the benefit of highlighting a lot of blog posts on the home page of the site, and people can then click through and read the ones they like the most.
You should remember however that there are no real rules when it comes to blogging. Over time you will naturally find what works for you, and your blog will settle down into a nice pattern that both you and your readers will enjoy. You’ll find your character and personality will start to come through in your writing too; don’t fight against this as it is one of the hallmarks of blogging. It is, after all, a personal account of an individual’s life and experiences, so show people what you’re made of! You’ll get a more loyal – and bigger – audience like this.
So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting to it on a regular basis. The next step is to get it in front of as many interested eyeballs as possible.
One great way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as possible. You can also join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog. Other no cost ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end, and creating signatures at the end of any posts you make to internet forums, and also in all the emails you send out. When you really start thinking about it, you don’t actually need to spend anything to generate plenty of traffic.
All we need to do now is monetize the blog itself. You’ll want to generate some money from all the visitors you’ll start getting, and there are plenty of ways to do this easily. Google Adsense is probably the most well known method – you can join the program for free and display contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximise your click through rate.
There are also a handful of websites which give you the opportunity to get paid for each blog post you make on a specific subject. Pay Per Post and Review Me are two such examples, and they will pay you a certain amount of money to review a product or website for the owner. In a similar vein you can also review and recommend other people’s products through affiliate links inserted into your blog posts, and earn money on commissions earned through any purchases people make.
And once you’re more established you can offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for both classified and display ads if you wish. What could be better than setting your own price?
But there is one final step you can take with your blog if you enjoy a change of scene every now and again. You can sell your blog! Once it is established and has plenty of revenue and traffic, you can usually sell it for ten times its monthly revenue.
And then, you can start all over again with a whole new subject!
So that’s it – profitable blogging in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to leave your comments in the form below. And once you’ve done that, get out there and get started building your first blog today.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress, Blogger, or another free site that hosts your blog for you; or alternatively you can set up your own blog under your own domain name.
If you want to make serious money from blogging, you must have complete control over your blog – and that’s something the free blogging accounts won’t give you. You’ll be bound by their terms and conditions and that usually includes not being able to actively promote anything. There are plenty of people who have established a blog only to have it removed without notice some weeks or months later.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
It will cost you a few dollars to buy your domain name and set up a web server that will host your blog, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost involved. It can literally be as little as $20 a year we’re talking about here – and that buys you total freedom.
Once you’re ready to set your blog up you’ll need to choose a good theme and layout for it. You might find one that relates to your choice of subject (more on that in a moment) or else there might be one you just like the look of. But there are thousands of templates available for you to use – a simple search on Google will reveal the ones that will be best suited to your topic.
But perhaps the most important question is what you are going to blog about. The whole world is your oyster here – some people blog about their lives in general; some blog about their jobs; some blog about their hobbies; some tell the world about their kids and what it’s like to be a parent, and still others blog about the weird world of celebrities. But whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. Don’t forget, you are going to be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don’t have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your posts – and no one else will have the enthusiasm to read them.
Okay – so you’ve got your subject. Now you have to start writing your blog posts. If you take a look at just a few of the blogs already online, you’ll notice that the length of the posts varies a lot. Some people only write a paragraph or two each time, but you’ll get better results if you go for something a little longer than this. Around 400 to 500 words makes for a good post with a lot of information in it; some people write hugely long posts that are thousands of words long and could be called an e-book by another name.
But you can also take the format of this blog, by posting a short blog entry which leads into a longer article. This has the benefit of highlighting a lot of blog posts on the home page of the site, and people can then click through and read the ones they like the most.
You should remember however that there are no real rules when it comes to blogging. Over time you will naturally find what works for you, and your blog will settle down into a nice pattern that both you and your readers will enjoy. You’ll find your character and personality will start to come through in your writing too; don’t fight against this as it is one of the hallmarks of blogging. It is, after all, a personal account of an individual’s life and experiences, so show people what you’re made of! You’ll get a more loyal – and bigger – audience like this.
So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting to it on a regular basis. The next step is to get it in front of as many interested eyeballs as possible.
One great way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as possible. You can also join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog. Other no cost ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end, and creating signatures at the end of any posts you make to internet forums, and also in all the emails you send out. When you really start thinking about it, you don’t actually need to spend anything to generate plenty of traffic.
All we need to do now is monetize the blog itself. You’ll want to generate some money from all the visitors you’ll start getting, and there are plenty of ways to do this easily. Google Adsense is probably the most well known method – you can join the program for free and display contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximise your click through rate.
There are also a handful of websites which give you the opportunity to get paid for each blog post you make on a specific subject. Pay Per Post and Review Me are two such examples, and they will pay you a certain amount of money to review a product or website for the owner. In a similar vein you can also review and recommend other people’s products through affiliate links inserted into your blog posts, and earn money on commissions earned through any purchases people make.
And once you’re more established you can offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for both classified and display ads if you wish. What could be better than setting your own price?
But there is one final step you can take with your blog if you enjoy a change of scene every now and again. You can sell your blog! Once it is established and has plenty of revenue and traffic, you can usually sell it for ten times its monthly revenue.
And then, you can start all over again with a whole new subject!
So that’s it – profitable blogging in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to leave your comments in the form below. And once you’ve done that, get out there and get started building your first blog today.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
Make Money Taking Online Surveys – Free Membership
Are you looking for a legitimate way to make money online? Maybe you want some extra spending money. Or perhaps you need the money to pay bills. Either way, getting paid for filling out simple surveys can be a fun and lucrative way to earn that extra cash.
In fact, there’s quite a lot of money to be had — and the cool thing is that you can earn it in your spare time. Any time you can spare a few minutes — or a few hours, you can make money.
It’s easy too. Once you have signed up with the right survey companies, all you have to do is check your email and pick the best surveys, and you’re off to earning money every time you fill in the blanks.
Want to get started right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details (It’s a Free Service) and you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning. Click Here to start now!
And if you’re wondering why anyone would care about your opinion, let alone pay you good money for it, read on. There’s a reason why you can make real money with surveys:
Countless companies, including the largest international corporations, are desperately trying to find out what consumers want. And they’re willing to pay a whole lot of money for market research.
But they still have a problem. How can they connect with you, the consumer? It’s not all that easy, so they hire survey companies to help them find out what people think about their products and what they would be most likely to buy in the future. They also want to know what it will take to get people to buy…
And if you sign up, you’ll become part of that cutting edge market research.
It’s really cool. You may have the chance to find out about new products long before they actually become available in stores. You might get to play video games that haven’t even been released yet. And you might get to watch trailers for movies that haven’t even finished filming yet. And the best part…. you get paid for your “efforts.”
That’s because paying for you to take surveys is the quickest and easiest way for a company to get the information and feedback they need. And believe it or not, even when they pay thousands of people several dollars each for fill it in even one quick survey, it’s cheaper (and more effective) for them than many other forms of market research. And it’s way cheaper than making a costly mistake.
Remember the NEW Coke? What a disaster that was! And it would have been so easy to prevent. All they had to do was ask people what they thought of the idea and they would have known better than to mess with a tried and true formula.
But noooo. The company executives thought they knew what was best — and they fell flat on their face.
So surveys can be essential for a company’s survival. And they know it and are willing to pay for it. So why not let them pay you?
Now you’re probably wondering what it will take to connect with those big companies and get paid for sharing your opinion?
All you have to do is find the right surveys… And the easiest way to do that is to join a club that specializes in helping consumers like you and me to hook up with the surveys that pay the most money.
And the best one of those clubs we have found is a website called SurveyMastermind. Unlike a lot of other survey sites out there, it’s a Free Service. Not only that, but they also specialize in connecting you with surveys that actually pay. And as soon as you join and sign up with the companies they recommend, you will start receiving surveys to fill out… and start earning.
Not at all. You just need to be able to answer a few simple questions and fill in some details, and you’re ready to earn a nice income from taking online surveys and helping companies with their market research.
How do I pick the right survey sites?
Start by joining a survey club that will connect you with the best sites. After all, how much you can earn will depend on which survey sites you sign up for. Some of those sites will pay you money every time you fill out a survey, while others use more of a sweepstakes approach, and offer cash and prize draws to those who fill out their surveys.
SurveyMastermind will help you find survey sites that pay cash for surveys. Many other sites mostly send you surveys that offer prizes and points, so you need to be careful.
No matter which site you sign up for, though, they ultimately all work the same way. You tell them your basic information and then they start sending you surveys whenever they become available.
However, the quality of the surveys you get can vary widely. That’s why SurveyMastermind is so helpful. They pre-screen the actual survey sites for you and steer you to the ones that pay the most, and away from those that just waste your time.
How will it work?
First you join SurveyMastermind . Then, you’ll get access to a list of pre-screened survey companies which in turn will send you the surveys.
You sign up for several of those companies and fill out your profile with as much information as you can. This will help the site in deciding which surveys to send to whom.
Do all survey companies pay cash?
No they don’t. SurveyMastermind will be sure to steer you towards survey companies that have lots of cash-paying surveys and away from those that don’t.
How much can I earn?
The amount you will receive for each survey or market research exercise varies between sites and countries, and it depends on the amount of time each one will take you. One site pays between $4 and $50 which is about average, although most surveys will be at the lower end of the scale. Of course, you can fill in several surveys per hour, so the earnings can add up.
Can I answer the surveys any time I want?
Yes you can. However, you should know that you’re usually competing with other survey takers. Each survey may only need to be answered by a set number of people and they often send it to more than is needed to make sure they get enough replies. The sooner you can complete each one and send it back, the better – and the faster your money will add up too.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Make sure you set up a new email account purely for use with your survey sites. After all, you will be getting lots of emails to plough through, and you don’t want them all going into your normal accounts. That way, you won’t have to sort through them to find your personal email. You also don’t risk missing a potentially lucrative survey in an inbox full of personal email.
In fact, there’s quite a lot of money to be had — and the cool thing is that you can earn it in your spare time. Any time you can spare a few minutes — or a few hours, you can make money.
It’s easy too. Once you have signed up with the right survey companies, all you have to do is check your email and pick the best surveys, and you’re off to earning money every time you fill in the blanks.
Want to get started right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details (It’s a Free Service) and you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning. Click Here to start now!
And if you’re wondering why anyone would care about your opinion, let alone pay you good money for it, read on. There’s a reason why you can make real money with surveys:
Countless companies, including the largest international corporations, are desperately trying to find out what consumers want. And they’re willing to pay a whole lot of money for market research.
But they still have a problem. How can they connect with you, the consumer? It’s not all that easy, so they hire survey companies to help them find out what people think about their products and what they would be most likely to buy in the future. They also want to know what it will take to get people to buy…
And if you sign up, you’ll become part of that cutting edge market research.
It’s really cool. You may have the chance to find out about new products long before they actually become available in stores. You might get to play video games that haven’t even been released yet. And you might get to watch trailers for movies that haven’t even finished filming yet. And the best part…. you get paid for your “efforts.”
That’s because paying for you to take surveys is the quickest and easiest way for a company to get the information and feedback they need. And believe it or not, even when they pay thousands of people several dollars each for fill it in even one quick survey, it’s cheaper (and more effective) for them than many other forms of market research. And it’s way cheaper than making a costly mistake.
Remember the NEW Coke? What a disaster that was! And it would have been so easy to prevent. All they had to do was ask people what they thought of the idea and they would have known better than to mess with a tried and true formula.
But noooo. The company executives thought they knew what was best — and they fell flat on their face.
So surveys can be essential for a company’s survival. And they know it and are willing to pay for it. So why not let them pay you?
Now you’re probably wondering what it will take to connect with those big companies and get paid for sharing your opinion?
All you have to do is find the right surveys… And the easiest way to do that is to join a club that specializes in helping consumers like you and me to hook up with the surveys that pay the most money.
And the best one of those clubs we have found is a website called SurveyMastermind. Unlike a lot of other survey sites out there, it’s a Free Service. Not only that, but they also specialize in connecting you with surveys that actually pay. And as soon as you join and sign up with the companies they recommend, you will start receiving surveys to fill out… and start earning.
Click Here to start now!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is making money with surveys difficult?Not at all. You just need to be able to answer a few simple questions and fill in some details, and you’re ready to earn a nice income from taking online surveys and helping companies with their market research.
How do I pick the right survey sites?
Start by joining a survey club that will connect you with the best sites. After all, how much you can earn will depend on which survey sites you sign up for. Some of those sites will pay you money every time you fill out a survey, while others use more of a sweepstakes approach, and offer cash and prize draws to those who fill out their surveys.
SurveyMastermind will help you find survey sites that pay cash for surveys. Many other sites mostly send you surveys that offer prizes and points, so you need to be careful.
No matter which site you sign up for, though, they ultimately all work the same way. You tell them your basic information and then they start sending you surveys whenever they become available.
However, the quality of the surveys you get can vary widely. That’s why SurveyMastermind is so helpful. They pre-screen the actual survey sites for you and steer you to the ones that pay the most, and away from those that just waste your time.
How will it work?
First you join SurveyMastermind . Then, you’ll get access to a list of pre-screened survey companies which in turn will send you the surveys.
You sign up for several of those companies and fill out your profile with as much information as you can. This will help the site in deciding which surveys to send to whom.
Do all survey companies pay cash?
No they don’t. SurveyMastermind will be sure to steer you towards survey companies that have lots of cash-paying surveys and away from those that don’t.
How much can I earn?
The amount you will receive for each survey or market research exercise varies between sites and countries, and it depends on the amount of time each one will take you. One site pays between $4 and $50 which is about average, although most surveys will be at the lower end of the scale. Of course, you can fill in several surveys per hour, so the earnings can add up.
Can I answer the surveys any time I want?
Yes you can. However, you should know that you’re usually competing with other survey takers. Each survey may only need to be answered by a set number of people and they often send it to more than is needed to make sure they get enough replies. The sooner you can complete each one and send it back, the better – and the faster your money will add up too.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Make sure you set up a new email account purely for use with your survey sites. After all, you will be getting lots of emails to plough through, and you don’t want them all going into your normal accounts. That way, you won’t have to sort through them to find your personal email. You also don’t risk missing a potentially lucrative survey in an inbox full of personal email.
10 SEO Tools To Make Your Work Easier
Since long I wanted to write this post because I’ve been getting frequent emails from people asking me about good seo tools for checking backlinks, checking internal pageranks,etc. without going through big processes. Hence I’ve compiled a list below of the SEO tools that I use which have made my work quite easier. You can use all of these SEO tools free of cost. I’ve listed them in the order of their importance to me.
- SEO Quake: By far this is the SEO tool which I’m using every time I’m on the computer. To be concise SEO quake is an extension for firefox and internet explorer which helps us to obtain all important parameters that we need to judge a website (The SEO way). It includes parameters such as Google Pagerank, Yahoo! Links, Domain Age and many more. Hence, I would recommend this to all marketers who are serious about making their SEO work easier.
- SubmitExpress Meta Tag analyzer: Without doubt, the team over at Submit Express has put in some serious efforts at their tools. To me their tools are extremely useful, I wouldn’t really recommend other tools by them but their Meta Tag Analyzer is one useful tool. You can get a good insight of the relevancy of META tags, learn where you’re going wrong and see facts like total links on a page or the keyword densities.
- Seomoz Tools: I wouldn’t recommend any such tool which involves spending money, so you can try the free tools by seomoz which include term target, SEO toolbox and Link Scape. Especially Term Target which can show you the terms you’re targeting on a page as seen by a bot which can help you improve your on-page SEO factors.
- Rank Checker: I know it can be a hard task to look for the keywords you’re trying to rank for all the time in google, yahoo and msn. This is when this powerful tool comes into play. In rank checker you can specify the keywords and the domain and it will check your position of the domain you specified for the keyword in all three search engines. You can create different presets to track each domain’s ranking. This tool is extremely helpful to me when I have over 40 keywords for different domains that I can’t check all the time. The only drawback with this one is that it will only show you the ranking if your domain lies in the top 200, but usually that is the range that matters and moreover in terms of traffic a position of 350 is no different than 3500.
- Google Keyword Tool: I don’t think that there is any internet marketer who isn’t aware of this tool. The most legendary keyword tool in use by Google Adwords. You just enter your target keyword and it will show you the estimated search volume for that keyword and a bunch of other similar tools.
- Backlink Watch: If you’re addicted to backlinks like me then you need this tool. It gives you a clear image of your backlinks, including the page they are on, the anchor text and the total number of backlinks on that page. I would really recommend this although their pagerank function doesn’t work.
- SEO Tool Bag Backlink Analyzer: This isn’t much different than backlink watch but on this one, the pagerank displays fine and moreover it highlights the links which hold more importance. The only reason I put this after backlink watch is because it is a little slow because of the pagerank checking and sometimes it messes up the formatting of the page, which is a little bug and needs to be fixed.
- SEO Tool Bag Internal Page PR: If you want to analyze the pageranks of all pages on any website, all you have to do is enter the its URl here and it will automatically show you the pagerank of all pages on that website which can also be sorted by the pagerank.
- SEM Rush: When you want to check on the SEO traffic coming to any website, you go to SEM Rush which gives you a complete insight of what keywords are giving traffic to the specified website. It might not be extremely useful, but at least it is better than the lousy search terms shown by Compete.
- Smart Pagerank Backlink Checker: Although it is still in BETA version but I would still recommend their tool as an alternative to the two other backlink analyzing tools I mentioned before. This also gives you option to show you whether the link is nofollow or not, which can be very helpful in knowing whether the link is passing any juice.
I’m On Google Page 1!
I’m sick of people roaming here and there looking for ways to climb up the SERPs but they cannot even break the 100 mark. Well, in case you didn’t read the title then NEWS ALERT: I’m on Google Page 1, which means I’m making money on internet. I practice what I preach and I did not apply any rocket science to get there, it is as easy as eating noodles with chopsticks; or a little more easier. Before I talk I’ll show proof, so please stay calm and don’t break your keyboard with excitement because I will clearly share how to get Google page 1 with an easy technique. Please click on the pictures to zoom in. So here goes:

And again:

That’s only 2, I have more than 7 keywords on Google page 1 and about 15 keywords on google page 2. All this significant change happened in the span of 1 month! Also note that I only work for high trafficked keywords, before which you’ll need to find niche to work on and make money.
Anyone of you remember my review on how to get backlinks with that free membership membership website? I told you to join it right, but now you’ve missed the boat and me and other users are going to make a fortune off it. Jokes apart, you still have time to gain access to that service.
I will not just into the details this time, this is just a ‘woohoo’ or ‘in your face’ post for those who doubted my recommendation or wanted to see if it works. So folks here it is, you can still click here to join their system and get loads of backlinks to get google page 1, or you could die trying. This is the real deal!
I’ll soon be having a more detailed post about their service and start posting articles to get loads of backlinks, till then join their system or read a little more about them on my post about how to get backlinks.
P.S. This is the outcome of just 1 month, you can imagine how many keywords I’ll have on the page 1 and the positions I’ll have for them in 3 months!

And again:

That’s only 2, I have more than 7 keywords on Google page 1 and about 15 keywords on google page 2. All this significant change happened in the span of 1 month! Also note that I only work for high trafficked keywords, before which you’ll need to find niche to work on and make money.
How I Got Google Page 1
What do you think, are you in a fantasy world? Am I going to give you the exact formula to success in a few lines in one post for free? Ok, don’t get disheartened because I might. In fact, I’ll tell you the exact thing. This is the ultimate formula for my Google page 1 for those keywords!Anyone of you remember my review on how to get backlinks with that free membership membership website? I told you to join it right, but now you’ve missed the boat and me and other users are going to make a fortune off it. Jokes apart, you still have time to gain access to that service.
I will not just into the details this time, this is just a ‘woohoo’ or ‘in your face’ post for those who doubted my recommendation or wanted to see if it works. So folks here it is, you can still click here to join their system and get loads of backlinks to get google page 1, or you could die trying. This is the real deal!
I’ll soon be having a more detailed post about their service and start posting articles to get loads of backlinks, till then join their system or read a little more about them on my post about how to get backlinks.
P.S. This is the outcome of just 1 month, you can imagine how many keywords I’ll have on the page 1 and the positions I’ll have for them in 3 months!
The Right Way To Check Keyword Competition
The fact is, I don’t trust or believe half of the SEO fluff I read online. Sometimes, I go through ridiculously absurd articles with information which is wrong. Though they might be some attempt of a link bait. The fact is it just makes them look a lot more stupid, not to mention some highly honored SEO websites who are making a lot of money on the internet. Talking about old techniques to find the keyword competition, this reminds me of the days when I was 15 years old.
Please note that the technique I’ll be mentioning on this post is not an advice from a professional, neither am I guaranteeing you any results. It is just a way which proved me good results, and as you read you’ll find that it is in fact more sensible and logical than the ordinary way of doing so and will surely help you while making money with niche picking.
So when you received your ‘SEO lessons’, you were told to just google the keyword and see the results google displays for it and there you have it. But as far as I believe this will not find you your actual competition.
Hence, you need to be sure of your real competition. We’ll assume that make money is the keyword in this example. This isn’t going to be long, so just bear with me for a few lines:
For example: X is a website about tennis shoes. When it is optimized for the keyword, it will have the term ‘tennis shoes’ in it’s title as well as it’s anchor texts and url. So when you do both of the searches, the same website will show up.
I wouldn’t really like to get into long discussions because everyone has their own ways. In SEO, there is no such technique which is engraved on a rock. This technique of finding keyword competition is fully tested by me and it works great. Since this is my way, you’re most welcome to follow my way and I will lead you to online success and help you to make money.
Please note that the technique I’ll be mentioning on this post is not an advice from a professional, neither am I guaranteeing you any results. It is just a way which proved me good results, and as you read you’ll find that it is in fact more sensible and logical than the ordinary way of doing so and will surely help you while making money with niche picking.
So when you received your ‘SEO lessons’, you were told to just google the keyword and see the results google displays for it and there you have it. But as far as I believe this will not find you your actual competition.
The Actual Keyword Competition
In most cases you can outrank 95% of the websites just by putting the keyword in your title. Reason being, those websites are mostly not even about that keyword. If your website is in google’s index and you use a word such as ‘make money on the internet’ anywhere on your page. There you have it, you’re in Google SERPs. You might be at page number 893, but still you’re in the results right?Hence, you need to be sure of your real competition. We’ll assume that make money is the keyword in this example. This isn’t going to be long, so just bear with me for a few lines:
- Open
- Type inanchor:”make money” and record the number of results shown.
- Type intitle:”make money” and record the number of results shown.
- Add the 2 figures (Figure 1 + Figure 2).
- The result is your actual competition.
For example: X is a website about tennis shoes. When it is optimized for the keyword, it will have the term ‘tennis shoes’ in it’s title as well as it’s anchor texts and url. So when you do both of the searches, the same website will show up.
I wouldn’t really like to get into long discussions because everyone has their own ways. In SEO, there is no such technique which is engraved on a rock. This technique of finding keyword competition is fully tested by me and it works great. Since this is my way, you’re most welcome to follow my way and I will lead you to online success and help you to make money.
SEO Isn’t Everything!
If you suck at SEO or don’t know how to optimize websites for search engines, it’s okay. There’s no need to feel left out. There are hundreds of people out there who don’t know a thing about SEO and most wont even know what it stands for.
I remember having a chat with this guy from UK and he asked me about getting traffic. I asked him, “Do you know about SEO?”, “Who? the Senior Executive Officer?” he replied. For such a guy, it’s hard to explain what SEO is and how it can benefit you and your business.
This is not only for those who do not know about SEO, in fact this is also for the people who do know about it. Let me just say: Would you be able to rank a domain you just bought for a keyword within 4-5 days.
If you’re a whitehat SEO believer I could expect a no. So where does you SEO go then? What if the keyword you’re targeting is time-sensitive. I mean, you just bought a domain yesterday (15th June) and you want to rank for keyword targeting America Day (July 4th), it is next to impossible to rank for keywords in 2 weeks.
So what I’m trying to tell is that keep you options open. Look for alternatives to SEO. I’m not talking about pay-per-click ads or traffic from social bookmarking websites.
Have you ever heard of the term indirect organic traffic? I’m sure you haven’t, because I just made that up.
But what it will reveal to you might just change the ways you get traffic.
Yesterday I was talking to this guy who just received his $600 cheque from ShareAsale which was what he earned in a total of 2 weeks. I got him to tell me his marketing strategies and I was surprised when he told me that he didn’t know a thing about SEO and never used any PPC program.
Basically, this guy did not spend a cent and he made money with even les knowledge than me. Of course, he had his website which isn’t even indexed by Google as of now (around 3 weeks old). Curious to know his strategy right?
He joined a forum related to his niche. He spent 1 week gaining authority in a forum. Posting, answering, asking and helping like crazy. So once you have authority you obviously have a great deal of newbies asking you questions. So all he did was refer people to his website and after 2 weeks he makes 23 sales and makes approximately $600. Not bad eh?
The story doesn’t end here. I’ve been doing this for 3 months now and have gotten traffic to website which have been sitting in the Google Sandbox for around 3 months now. I will write a post sometime this week illustrating how you can get the best out of no SEO and let it prove to be more effective.
I remember having a chat with this guy from UK and he asked me about getting traffic. I asked him, “Do you know about SEO?”, “Who? the Senior Executive Officer?” he replied. For such a guy, it’s hard to explain what SEO is and how it can benefit you and your business.
This is not only for those who do not know about SEO, in fact this is also for the people who do know about it. Let me just say: Would you be able to rank a domain you just bought for a keyword within 4-5 days.
If you’re a whitehat SEO believer I could expect a no. So where does you SEO go then? What if the keyword you’re targeting is time-sensitive. I mean, you just bought a domain yesterday (15th June) and you want to rank for keyword targeting America Day (July 4th), it is next to impossible to rank for keywords in 2 weeks.
So what I’m trying to tell is that keep you options open. Look for alternatives to SEO. I’m not talking about pay-per-click ads or traffic from social bookmarking websites.
Have you ever heard of the term indirect organic traffic? I’m sure you haven’t, because I just made that up.

Yesterday I was talking to this guy who just received his $600 cheque from ShareAsale which was what he earned in a total of 2 weeks. I got him to tell me his marketing strategies and I was surprised when he told me that he didn’t know a thing about SEO and never used any PPC program.
Basically, this guy did not spend a cent and he made money with even les knowledge than me. Of course, he had his website which isn’t even indexed by Google as of now (around 3 weeks old). Curious to know his strategy right?
He joined a forum related to his niche. He spent 1 week gaining authority in a forum. Posting, answering, asking and helping like crazy. So once you have authority you obviously have a great deal of newbies asking you questions. So all he did was refer people to his website and after 2 weeks he makes 23 sales and makes approximately $600. Not bad eh?
The story doesn’t end here. I’ve been doing this for 3 months now and have gotten traffic to website which have been sitting in the Google Sandbox for around 3 months now. I will write a post sometime this week illustrating how you can get the best out of no SEO and let it prove to be more effective.
What Is Indirect Organic Traffic?
In my last post about SEO, I discussed how SEO wasn’t the only thing left to get organic traffic from. Many people did not share the same views as mine. I accept that, because what I’m going to tell you people is something that you may or may not already know.
In my case, I wanted to figure out a solution to the problem of having my website sit at level zero when it is in the Google Sandbox. Practically there is a 99% chance for you to get thrown into the sandbox, you may be quite lucky if you escape it.
During that 6 - 12 months in no-man zone sandbox, you get no traffic from search engines. You know, ideas come and go. By the time your website escapes from the sandbox, you might have lost interest in that niche.
This happens a lot of times and there is a very practical way of getting out of this situation without having to rely on traffic from social bookmarking websites. They say: At times, examples explain better than definitions. So I’ll also sum it up on an example.
You choose to enter the niche as an electrician’s affiliate. You just start a website and you try to rank for the keyword ‘wiring management’. Then you discover that after 2 weeks it got sand-boxed. Now, we all know that search engine traffic is the best converting.
An alternative could be to use PPC, but I have a better idea. By doing a simple search on Google I found that it has some competition by the fact that the first ranking website is a company, they have their website’s homepage ranking number 1, plus the website has sitelinks which makes it almost impossible for us to rank number 1 without having our website compete for it.
So my strategy is, if you can’t get the first position then get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th position. I’m not talking about each one individually. I’m talking about getting all three positions. Next you go to ezine articles and write 1 article. That’s right, 1 article which you think would be highly targeted for the keyword which in this case is wiring management.
Next create a squidoo lens and write a review of the affiliate. This will be used to generate direct sales for yourself and now you will put link to your main website on both the article and the squidoo lens in nofollow. Why? This is where my indirect organic traffic theory comes into play.
I say, use your main website as a middle way between customer landing and the merchant’s website. So basically, in both the article and the lens you will encourage the visitors to go to your website from where they will go to the merchants website.
This will lower your CTR on your main website by 1-2% but this technique is highly effective. I’m currently on holidays, but when I come back I will detailed article on all services that you can use and achieve the best out of it. Once your website is out of the sandbox, remove the nofollow from the links and your website jumps directly into the top 30. As I said SEO isn’t everything, there are many other ways to achieve the same aims you have for a page you’re trying to rank for SEO.
Moreover, ranking for a keyword using ezinearticles or squidoo is 10 times more easier than having your website’s page rank itself on the SERPS. If your website is already out of the sandbox then you can use this technique to dominate the top 10 results and maximize your level of conversions. So what do you think about this technique?
In my case, I wanted to figure out a solution to the problem of having my website sit at level zero when it is in the Google Sandbox. Practically there is a 99% chance for you to get thrown into the sandbox, you may be quite lucky if you escape it.
During that 6 - 12 months in no-man zone sandbox, you get no traffic from search engines. You know, ideas come and go. By the time your website escapes from the sandbox, you might have lost interest in that niche.
This happens a lot of times and there is a very practical way of getting out of this situation without having to rely on traffic from social bookmarking websites. They say: At times, examples explain better than definitions. So I’ll also sum it up on an example.
You choose to enter the niche as an electrician’s affiliate. You just start a website and you try to rank for the keyword ‘wiring management’. Then you discover that after 2 weeks it got sand-boxed. Now, we all know that search engine traffic is the best converting.
An alternative could be to use PPC, but I have a better idea. By doing a simple search on Google I found that it has some competition by the fact that the first ranking website is a company, they have their website’s homepage ranking number 1, plus the website has sitelinks which makes it almost impossible for us to rank number 1 without having our website compete for it.
So my strategy is, if you can’t get the first position then get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th position. I’m not talking about each one individually. I’m talking about getting all three positions. Next you go to ezine articles and write 1 article. That’s right, 1 article which you think would be highly targeted for the keyword which in this case is wiring management.
Next create a squidoo lens and write a review of the affiliate. This will be used to generate direct sales for yourself and now you will put link to your main website on both the article and the squidoo lens in nofollow. Why? This is where my indirect organic traffic theory comes into play.
I say, use your main website as a middle way between customer landing and the merchant’s website. So basically, in both the article and the lens you will encourage the visitors to go to your website from where they will go to the merchants website.
This will lower your CTR on your main website by 1-2% but this technique is highly effective. I’m currently on holidays, but when I come back I will detailed article on all services that you can use and achieve the best out of it. Once your website is out of the sandbox, remove the nofollow from the links and your website jumps directly into the top 30. As I said SEO isn’t everything, there are many other ways to achieve the same aims you have for a page you’re trying to rank for SEO.
Moreover, ranking for a keyword using ezinearticles or squidoo is 10 times more easier than having your website’s page rank itself on the SERPS. If your website is already out of the sandbox then you can use this technique to dominate the top 10 results and maximize your level of conversions. So what do you think about this technique?
Wake Up Man! Pagerank Sculpting Is DEAD!
I can’t stress this enough. My respectable fellow bloggers around the blogosphere need to understand that the concept of pagerank sculpting died around late 2008. The reason why I thought of doing this post was because that many people still do not know about it and are nofollowing links on their blogs.
It is true that pagerank sculpting used to be really effective around a year ago but Matt Cutts wrote on his blog that they made this change around a year ago and he was sruprised that people didn’t notice the change.
However, since google has now dismissed pagerank sculpting, when you nofollow a link, you’re not saving the link juice or Pagerank, instead you’re allowing it to evaporate into thin air.
Now, instead of letting your link juice evaporate why wouldn’t you give that link a dofollow? It is going to be consumed anyways. The only person someone would put a nofollow at would be a an enemy.
While I’m not pushing you to make the blog comments dofollow, you may have your own reason (Comment spam). But at least, make all other links on your blog dofollow. Your blogroll, your top commentators’ list, links to other pages on your blog, etc.
I hope you get the point and make changes on your blog accordingly. For your information, this has been confirmed by Matt Cutts himself. The reason why I wrote this article was because yesterday I found over 50 blogs which had nofollow on either top commentators’ list, their blogroll or they were nofollowing links to their own blog (Which would be cutting your own legs).
Let me know what your views are on this topic. Whether you had nofollow on your blog before this or if you still have it then what is the reason for that nofollow tag. I’d be glad to hear.
It is true that pagerank sculpting used to be really effective around a year ago but Matt Cutts wrote on his blog that they made this change around a year ago and he was sruprised that people didn’t notice the change.
What is Pagerank Sculpting?
I know that we have some beginners around and to make the whole scenario clear for them. Pagerank sculpting is was when you put a rel=”nofollow” tag on some links on your page to stop the link juice or the pagerank from flowing to them and use that to boost the juice being given to other pages that are link to.However, since google has now dismissed pagerank sculpting, when you nofollow a link, you’re not saving the link juice or Pagerank, instead you’re allowing it to evaporate into thin air.
Now, instead of letting your link juice evaporate why wouldn’t you give that link a dofollow? It is going to be consumed anyways. The only person someone would put a nofollow at would be a an enemy.
While I’m not pushing you to make the blog comments dofollow, you may have your own reason (Comment spam). But at least, make all other links on your blog dofollow. Your blogroll, your top commentators’ list, links to other pages on your blog, etc.
I hope you get the point and make changes on your blog accordingly. For your information, this has been confirmed by Matt Cutts himself. The reason why I wrote this article was because yesterday I found over 50 blogs which had nofollow on either top commentators’ list, their blogroll or they were nofollowing links to their own blog (Which would be cutting your own legs).
Let me know what your views are on this topic. Whether you had nofollow on your blog before this or if you still have it then what is the reason for that nofollow tag. I’d be glad to hear.

Google Caffeine Update Coming Up, Watch Out
Hey there fellow bloggers, money-makers or just internet users,
I’m definite you’re among the mass internet population that uses Google. If you don’t know yet, then please get to know that I love Google a lot.[sarcasm] After all it has done for me through it services, it has given me a head start in my online ventures[/sarcasm].
Jokes apart, I really think that Google is a great service and sends a lot of traffic to my website which makes it even better.
So, this news has been surrounding the SEO community for a while and I just got to know about it a week ago.
Google’s officials have told that Google will be updating their search engine algorithms in the new update called ‘Caffeine’. In fact, this has been around since August and Google was kind enough to give a test of the caffeine run data center for us to check the difference on.
Well, they’ve taken it down now (sorry guys) but there would definitely be a few things for us to keep up on for good search results in 2010. I would highly recommend you to check out Matt Cutt’s blog post on this which includes a video explanation about it too. Or, you can view the video below:
For the record, this is going to be the biggest Google update after the post 2005 or early 2006 ‘big daddy’ update. While we can just expect for the search engine result pages to maintain the listings of our websites, such a thing might not be the case because Google had a total re-architecture built and lot of things changed.
Matt Cutts says that they tried their best to keep the Google index as it is. He also says that the results wouldn’t change so much and the average google searcher would not even notice the changes.
The power user, however, will notice some changes which is Google’s self-proclaimed ‘increase in search quality’. If you’re interested in knowing a few guesses which I think might be playing a big part in the coming up Caffeine update, then you can read on.
When a website gets 500+ diggs it is obvious that this website is trustable and has good content. So I noticed a few results up on the demo Caffeine engine that seemed to be driven by social media backing.
Well, these are my guesses for the changes that might take place. I’m pretty sure that the changes will prove useful for the ‘white-hat’ seo-ers out there and I would definitely like to hear some stuff from the black hatters as well.
I’m definite you’re among the mass internet population that uses Google. If you don’t know yet, then please get to know that I love Google a lot.[sarcasm] After all it has done for me through it services, it has given me a head start in my online ventures[/sarcasm].
Jokes apart, I really think that Google is a great service and sends a lot of traffic to my website which makes it even better.

Google’s officials have told that Google will be updating their search engine algorithms in the new update called ‘Caffeine’. In fact, this has been around since August and Google was kind enough to give a test of the caffeine run data center for us to check the difference on.
Well, they’ve taken it down now (sorry guys) but there would definitely be a few things for us to keep up on for good search results in 2010. I would highly recommend you to check out Matt Cutt’s blog post on this which includes a video explanation about it too. Or, you can view the video below:
For the record, this is going to be the biggest Google update after the post 2005 or early 2006 ‘big daddy’ update. While we can just expect for the search engine result pages to maintain the listings of our websites, such a thing might not be the case because Google had a total re-architecture built and lot of things changed.
Matt Cutts says that they tried their best to keep the Google index as it is. He also says that the results wouldn’t change so much and the average google searcher would not even notice the changes.
The power user, however, will notice some changes which is Google’s self-proclaimed ‘increase in search quality’. If you’re interested in knowing a few guesses which I think might be playing a big part in the coming up Caffeine update, then you can read on.
Internal links will have a little less effect
Unlike previously, according to some tests I put on the Caffeine sandbox, I noticed that pages that were highly dependant on internal links (links to a page from within the site) had a little negative change in their rankings.Social media will play the BIGGEST part
It is still my guess, but I think that soon the ‘linking game’ in google’s algorithms will decrease in weightage over time. We all know that it is quite tough to game websites like digg, stumbleupon, etc. and this can be used by Google to it’s advantage.When a website gets 500+ diggs it is obvious that this website is trustable and has good content. So I noticed a few results up on the demo Caffeine engine that seemed to be driven by social media backing.
Well, these are my guesses for the changes that might take place. I’m pretty sure that the changes will prove useful for the ‘white-hat’ seo-ers out there and I would definitely like to hear some stuff from the black hatters as well.

Beginner Blogging Mistakes - Promoting For No Reason
Back in 2007 when I started off as a blogger, I was totally off-track. As you might already know that I started off making money on the internet with paid to click websites. Yes, what a waste of time. But since I was quite enthusiastic about making money back then, I wanted to create a blog to promote my referral links.
In paid to click websites, you look for referrals who can come, click ads and make money for you forever. Since posting a whole bunch of links at places to let people know about it was kind of a tedious job, instead I created a blog, filled it with reviews and my referral links and then promoted the blog instead.
My initial aim was to get visitors to it and then have them to sign up for the paid to click website. It wasn’t long until blogger disabled my account with all of the blogs including the one I was using to promote the referral links. However, I was doing that for a reason, I was actually making money by the efforts that I put into getting visitors to the blog.
These days, I see a bunch of fully seo loaded blogs with no ads. The thing is, there is no point in doing SEO on a blog if you don’t have intentions of making money from it. Straight up. Unless you have other aims for the blog.
This thing gets even more emphasis when your main source of traffic is referral traffic. You can always play around with organic traffic because you know that more will be coming later on and you aren’t really losing a lot of money in the long run.
But usually the referral traffic comes and goes. You don’t have a chance of them returning or more of them coming in to your website after you’ve done the promotion. In that case, it is complete nonsense to have no monetisation on your blog which completely makes it promoting for no reason.
The most widely know fact is: Traffic is money. However, you need to learn how to convert that traffic into money else you’ll end up in the blues with no money and probably a loss in form of hosting fees.
My advice to all new bloggers is that: Monetize your blog from day one! There is no harm, I repeat, no harm whatsoever from monetizing a blog. If you think it will discourage visitors, no it wouldn’t. If that was the case, Google wouldn’t have been the number one search engine. There are thousands of other search engines without advertisements.
It will have no impact on your SEO. Why it will have no effect on your SEO is because Google will always be in benefit if you have adsense on your blog. Since, when Google sends traffic to your website, it clicks the adsense ad. Not only do you get paid but Google gets paid as well. I know this theory sounds totally absurd but it was just to diversify your minds from not monetizing a new website. So yeah, you can laugh!
In paid to click websites, you look for referrals who can come, click ads and make money for you forever. Since posting a whole bunch of links at places to let people know about it was kind of a tedious job, instead I created a blog, filled it with reviews and my referral links and then promoted the blog instead.
My initial aim was to get visitors to it and then have them to sign up for the paid to click website. It wasn’t long until blogger disabled my account with all of the blogs including the one I was using to promote the referral links. However, I was doing that for a reason, I was actually making money by the efforts that I put into getting visitors to the blog.
These days, I see a bunch of fully seo loaded blogs with no ads. The thing is, there is no point in doing SEO on a blog if you don’t have intentions of making money from it. Straight up. Unless you have other aims for the blog.
This thing gets even more emphasis when your main source of traffic is referral traffic. You can always play around with organic traffic because you know that more will be coming later on and you aren’t really losing a lot of money in the long run.
But usually the referral traffic comes and goes. You don’t have a chance of them returning or more of them coming in to your website after you’ve done the promotion. In that case, it is complete nonsense to have no monetisation on your blog which completely makes it promoting for no reason.
The most widely know fact is: Traffic is money. However, you need to learn how to convert that traffic into money else you’ll end up in the blues with no money and probably a loss in form of hosting fees.
My advice to all new bloggers is that: Monetize your blog from day one! There is no harm, I repeat, no harm whatsoever from monetizing a blog. If you think it will discourage visitors, no it wouldn’t. If that was the case, Google wouldn’t have been the number one search engine. There are thousands of other search engines without advertisements.
It will have no impact on your SEO. Why it will have no effect on your SEO is because Google will always be in benefit if you have adsense on your blog. Since, when Google sends traffic to your website, it clicks the adsense ad. Not only do you get paid but Google gets paid as well. I know this theory sounds totally absurd but it was just to diversify your minds from not monetizing a new website. So yeah, you can laugh!
I’m Clueless About The Caffeine Update
Hello wonderful people,
I’m certain you read my post about the Google caffeine update or would have already read about it elsewhere. While it wasn’t in the Google search operating before the holidays but now it is.
I’m sure I would be among the last ones writing about the effects of this update but I think I should be letting everybody know a little about the effects of this update on my websites. So you know that it’s not fluff.
I track my website’s rankings on the tool rank checker by seobook, which is one of the must-have SEO tools that I mentioned a few months back. Since I’m updating to have a look at my rankings everyday and rank checker is kind enough to record updates every time I check the new ranking so that I can compare my rankings over time.
Please bare with me as I do not really know how to get graphical representation from excel data, so instead I’ll just point out some sudden changes that I noticed on my rankings.
I did not get time to read other people’s experiences but for my website, I saw a sudden bump on the 3rd of January 2010. More than half of my rankings had changed and this is not some sort of a Google dance.
I know this because I did not have any such thing done to my website since the last few months. Luckily, for me the bump was positive.
Keywords with other websites improves as well so it is very hard for me to decide what has changed, although I have used different marketing strategies for almost all of my websites.
A little thing that I think has affected my website might be a little LSI. I don’t know what you call it but I find my website getting traffic from keywords that were not even mentioned on the page even once.
Those keywords were never even used in my linking and still my website was ranking fairly well for them. By this, I mean ranking above other websites which had this keyword optimized on their pages and also in their links. I find this pretty odd.
Maybe Google has started categorizing keywords and has made has made hubs of synonyms and knows that some content is related if it is trusted for the main keywords it has.
I’ll be looking further into this because I’m sure there is something bigger cooking up. Lastly, I’m stunned by the Google developers. Matt cutts was right. The whole Google algorithm change was so ‘under the hood’ that hardly any SEO out there can pin-point factors that have changed in their ranking methods.
So what changes have you experienced on your websites? Have you also seen an increase in the amount of visitors you get from Google? Or the vice-versa? What are your guesses might have changed in their algorithm. I would love to know.
I’m certain you read my post about the Google caffeine update or would have already read about it elsewhere. While it wasn’t in the Google search operating before the holidays but now it is.
I’m sure I would be among the last ones writing about the effects of this update but I think I should be letting everybody know a little about the effects of this update on my websites. So you know that it’s not fluff.

I track my website’s rankings on the tool rank checker by seobook, which is one of the must-have SEO tools that I mentioned a few months back. Since I’m updating to have a look at my rankings everyday and rank checker is kind enough to record updates every time I check the new ranking so that I can compare my rankings over time.
Please bare with me as I do not really know how to get graphical representation from excel data, so instead I’ll just point out some sudden changes that I noticed on my rankings.
I did not get time to read other people’s experiences but for my website, I saw a sudden bump on the 3rd of January 2010. More than half of my rankings had changed and this is not some sort of a Google dance.
I know this because I did not have any such thing done to my website since the last few months. Luckily, for me the bump was positive.

The Caffeinated Results
So basically, I have around 10 keywords on my rank checker list. Out of them I see an improvement in 5 of the keywords. With most of them moving from the second page to the top five of the first page.Keywords with other websites improves as well so it is very hard for me to decide what has changed, although I have used different marketing strategies for almost all of my websites.
A little thing that I think has affected my website might be a little LSI. I don’t know what you call it but I find my website getting traffic from keywords that were not even mentioned on the page even once.
Those keywords were never even used in my linking and still my website was ranking fairly well for them. By this, I mean ranking above other websites which had this keyword optimized on their pages and also in their links. I find this pretty odd.
Maybe Google has started categorizing keywords and has made has made hubs of synonyms and knows that some content is related if it is trusted for the main keywords it has.
I’ll be looking further into this because I’m sure there is something bigger cooking up. Lastly, I’m stunned by the Google developers. Matt cutts was right. The whole Google algorithm change was so ‘under the hood’ that hardly any SEO out there can pin-point factors that have changed in their ranking methods.
So what changes have you experienced on your websites? Have you also seen an increase in the amount of visitors you get from Google? Or the vice-versa? What are your guesses might have changed in their algorithm. I would love to know.

I have been using Paid to Click websites for about a year now and so far the best paid to click website I have found is Not only does it pay $0.01 an ad but at times when other leading paid to click websites went out of business and even websites like adbux displayed either no or little ads, remained at top and still gave at least 8 ads a day.
One of the best packages by is its referral Packages. For those who find it difficult to refer people to, this difficulty can be overcome with a little investment i.e. offers referral packages which can be purchased at an average of about $1 a referral and they are available in the following sets: 15, 35, 100 and 500.
I think that all are very beneficial, especially the set of 500 referrals because if you add up the earnings, by an investment of just $500 on this package you could make an income of $1500 every month.
Normal payout is through Alertpay. As a special service for their upgraded members they even give them a Mastercard which is prepaid and you can spend your earnings through that card. The Premium membership package lasts for a year and costs only $59.
I tried contacting the support multiple times but had no luck. But still, I took a sleeping pill and took a rest on that matter. My account balance is still accumulating a lot of money every month and I’m still waiting on my payment. but they provide preference to the premium members and if you do upgrade then you may expect to receive prompt payments, like within 3 months.
If you are interested in joining to earn money then you may click here. If you want to ask any questions regarding you may comment to this post.
So if you’re in for some money making bigger than the ‘cents’ that you earn at paid to click websites then consider visiting the home page. There are defnintely a lot of articles around here that can help you make money. So best of luck with that! Rivalry with Adbux
After great rivalry with its competitor website Adbux, successfully got the top spot and now is the most popular paid to click website. Like other websites also pays you $0.01 for each ad that your referral views and so this can help you boost your Referral Package

I think that all are very beneficial, especially the set of 500 referrals because if you add up the earnings, by an investment of just $500 on this package you could make an income of $1500 every month. Premium Membership
Moreover, if you become a premium member, they pay you $0.015 for each click that you make and $0.015 for each click that your referral does. This means that if you first upgrade and then purchase a set of 500 referrals then instead of $1500 a month you would make $2250.Normal payout is through Alertpay. As a special service for their upgraded members they even give them a Mastercard which is prepaid and you can spend your earnings through that card. The Premium membership package lasts for a year and costs only $59. Payment Proof
Although, you might have seen the ‘ scam’ thing being tossed around I would be neutral on that matter. Reason being, I have been paid over $300 by in the first year. However, I currently have a balance over $600 and requested around $100 on 30th May 2008 and my payment is still pending.I tried contacting the support multiple times but had no luck. But still, I took a sleeping pill and took a rest on that matter. My account balance is still accumulating a lot of money every month and I’m still waiting on my payment. but they provide preference to the premium members and if you do upgrade then you may expect to receive prompt payments, like within 3 months.
If you are interested in joining to earn money then you may click here. If you want to ask any questions regarding you may comment to this post. Is No More Recommended
I think it would be unethical to blame a website even though I have a reason, but I have requested my payout for over 16 months now and still haven’t received it. If that triggers the ’spam’ filter in your mind then yes is a scam. Not saying that out of personal hatred.Still Want To Make Money?
You are definitely here because you want to make money. Here at 3arn.Net I teach people how they can make money on the internet using tools that are completely free.So if you’re in for some money making bigger than the ‘cents’ that you earn at paid to click websites then consider visiting the home page. There are defnintely a lot of articles around here that can help you make money. So best of luck with that!
Paid to Click websites on Trial
You must have noticed the there is an addition in the money-making websites, including more paid to click websites. I have joined these on trial although I am sure that none of these is scam. There are two websites in bold which means that they have already paid me. The rest are those which I have done some research on and are not scam at all. It took me nearly 2 weeks in searching for these and of course I used my rules, which proved that they are not scams, now the only thing that is left is to receive a payment from them which would be the last test for them.
You too can join all these, as they are the best paid to click websites on the Net. I will be making additions to the list, but right now the list consists of 9 websites which are all extremely good to join, here is the list again:
So make sure you join these websites and subscribe to my blog by mail to recieve updates of these paid to click websites and more of them that I join soon
You too can join all these, as they are the best paid to click websites on the Net. I will be making additions to the list, but right now the list consists of 9 websites which are all extremely good to join, here is the list again:
So make sure you join these websites and subscribe to my blog by mail to recieve updates of these paid to click websites and more of them that I join soon
Happy 1st Anniversary -
It’s been almost 1 year since has been around, although I’m writing about it a little late but this was necessary because I’ve got something very cool to share with you. came into existence on the Net on 12 Jun, 2007. Since that day, has completely changed the way people look at Paid to click websites, which were once seen as scams are now seen as golden opportunities to earn. has changed the lifes of many people, it has made people who were not even capable of earning more than $1000 a month by working, to more than $5000 a month through
So now is there anyone left who still has not joined If you have not you are missing out a lot of free money, you can also view more information about . If you’re interested then, Join Now! Payments
In a time span of 12 months, has paid over $1 million, I know that surprises people that how could a paid to click website pay so much, but that is a fact. They have over 4000 success stories, which they claim is very less compared to the number of their satisfied customers. For the upcoming year of, they have planned a number of strategies which would make it even better. Since they’re moving to a new script for the website, they’ve got some cool features lined Developments
I’ll just talk about those which I thought were going to make earning money on easier and better. The first thing is Bux Reload, the only problem that I currently face at is that their payments are too late, but processing thousands of payouts does take time, so in order to speed up the process, they came up with Bux Reload, I can’t wait till its in use, then I will not have to wait for my payments for so long. Then is also going to be launching PayBux, which is a payment processor just like Alertpay and Paypal, for those who are having problems with Alertpay, which is their current payment processor, PayBux will solve your problems, I think that it is going to be available Lottery and Prizes
They are also introducing a lottery system, which according to estimates could be upto $50,000 or maybe even $100,000. One of their new aims is also to publicize worldwide, both online and off line. As a starter to this I just saw a deal which gives you a Free T-Shirt if you purchase 150 referrals, so you can help publicize by wearing that T-Shirt. There are many more challenges for, out of all these were the most important.So now is there anyone left who still has not joined If you have not you are missing out a lot of free money, you can also view more information about . If you’re interested then, Join Now!
Why are there Banners of Paid to click Websites on this Blog?
A friend of mine who’s an affiliate marketing professional asked me that why are there ads of paid to click websites on the main and only advertising spot of this blog. You might yourself be pretty surprised with that but the answer is that because I was sick of Adbrite. Adbrite, the PPC website which offers money to bloggers for displaying ads from the Adbrite network on their blog, it may work for some other kind of a website, but in this case because of my fault it wasn’t working for me and in fact it was a distraction for my readers.
Imagine a blog which helps people to make money online is showing the ads which says “Moving House?”, totally unacceptable. Once a blue moon you’d see ads of web hosts or something related to the blog but most of the time, it would either say”Advertise on this site”, which is completely annoying or give some more stupid ads. Then I was told by my friend that it was actually some fault on my part too, Adbrite actually would show ads if the Ad Zone was meant for this blog, my fault was that I was using the same ad zones that I had set up for the previous version of this blog, those ads were meant for that and that pretty much explains the problem, moreover I had messed up the settings of Set Pricing, which had also blocked many ads for display here.
So now I made an ad Zone just for this spot, and actually to test that who was wrong because, that problem had hindered my earnings to just $0.5 a day, because of which I thought it was better to promote paid to click websites rather than getting embarrassing results. The Adbrite ad is back on its spot although right now it is gathering data to display Ads, shortly ads will be there. I have moved the paid to click Ads to the bottom of all articles, although hardly anyone will look over there, but I must promote my strong belief in Paid to click websites, also the Ads of paid to click websites got me some good results, so that is just another reason for it.
Imagine a blog which helps people to make money online is showing the ads which says “Moving House?”, totally unacceptable. Once a blue moon you’d see ads of web hosts or something related to the blog but most of the time, it would either say”Advertise on this site”, which is completely annoying or give some more stupid ads. Then I was told by my friend that it was actually some fault on my part too, Adbrite actually would show ads if the Ad Zone was meant for this blog, my fault was that I was using the same ad zones that I had set up for the previous version of this blog, those ads were meant for that and that pretty much explains the problem, moreover I had messed up the settings of Set Pricing, which had also blocked many ads for display here.
So now I made an ad Zone just for this spot, and actually to test that who was wrong because, that problem had hindered my earnings to just $0.5 a day, because of which I thought it was better to promote paid to click websites rather than getting embarrassing results. The Adbrite ad is back on its spot although right now it is gathering data to display Ads, shortly ads will be there. I have moved the paid to click Ads to the bottom of all articles, although hardly anyone will look over there, but I must promote my strong belief in Paid to click websites, also the Ads of paid to click websites got me some good results, so that is just another reason for it.
Double your Investment in 20 Days
Many people out there are willing to invest money on the Net with the hope that they’ll get paid off for it, but how about if I told you about something that could double your investment in 20 days, amazing isn’t it? I can guarantee that the thing about which I am going to talk is not a scam. Infact many of you already know about paid to click websites. Previously, I was mainly talking of how you can use these websites to earn money by clicking, but what about those who do not have time to click, but can still invest money. For them, paid to click websites offer sets of referrals which can be purchased.
I hope you know that the main way of earning in paid to click websites is by referring others who will add to your earnings. However, paid to click websites are offering transfer of un-referred members to your account as your referrals. There are various sets of referrals available in the range of 15, 35, 100, 500, etc. If you are an investor and are willing to invest $500 to buy 500 referrals, this can be your earning example:
However, if you have not already joined the webite, then you must join it first and then only can you purchase the referrals. Please clear your doubts before you purchase the referrals so that you do not waste your money thinking of the offer in some other way. You may ask your questions here by replying to this article.
I hope you know that the main way of earning in paid to click websites is by referring others who will add to your earnings. However, paid to click websites are offering transfer of un-referred members to your account as your referrals. There are various sets of referrals available in the range of 15, 35, 100, 500, etc. If you are an investor and are willing to invest $500 to buy 500 referrals, this can be your earning example:
- 500 referrals click 10 ads a day = 500 x $0.1 = $50 a day
- After 10 days = $50 x 10 = $500 , Isn’t this the same amount of money you invested?
- After 20 days = $50 x 20 = $1000, Haven’t you just doubled your investment?
However, if you have not already joined the webite, then you must join it first and then only can you purchase the referrals. Please clear your doubts before you purchase the referrals so that you do not waste your money thinking of the offer in some other way. You may ask your questions here by replying to this article.
Paid to click websites - Not filling my pocket
Lately, I have been upto trying a lot of new things. I will write about my experiments, but I have not been able to keep up with paid to click websites for a long time again. So yesterday I go to check my account balance and I see no big gains. Well, my next target is going to be paid to click websites, and I am going to make that big in terms of new sign-ups and earnings. I will tell you about the start and end date and I will tell you my target for the whole thing.
This is another time I’m telling you to join the paid to click websites that you find on the list on the right. I see big potential, because people actually are earning thousands of dollars a month through this. If you have lost faith in these paid to click websites and are not clicking ads, remember clicking ads is what makes the system work. If you stop doing that, sooner or later you’ll earn almost nothing. That is what I learned from my experience. I’ll also write about the biggest problem I faced using these paid to click websites, and how you can get rid of it.
This is another time I’m telling you to join the paid to click websites that you find on the list on the right. I see big potential, because people actually are earning thousands of dollars a month through this. If you have lost faith in these paid to click websites and are not clicking ads, remember clicking ads is what makes the system work. If you stop doing that, sooner or later you’ll earn almost nothing. That is what I learned from my experience. I’ll also write about the biggest problem I faced using these paid to click websites, and how you can get rid of it.
Update of Paid to Click Websites
It has been a while since I last talked about paid to click websites. I am not talking about top earners this time, since it has been a long time, I’ll just give some news of what’s been happening. I have been inactive on paid to click websites for more than 3 weeks, but still my referral earnings kept it up for me. Now that I have gotten back on paid to click websites, I am going to do some serious money-making ideas on it to speed it up.
I am also going to filter the list of paid to click websites again as they are a lot to take care of and if they’re not as good as they should be, just put them aside. As for I’m thinking of upgrading my account and getting a master card to get my payments a little quicker from them because right now payments to standard members are extremely slow. So if you still have not joined some of the paid to click websites you can find the list in the sidebar and join them.
I am also going to filter the list of paid to click websites again as they are a lot to take care of and if they’re not as good as they should be, just put them aside. As for I’m thinking of upgrading my account and getting a master card to get my payments a little quicker from them because right now payments to standard members are extremely slow. So if you still have not joined some of the paid to click websites you can find the list in the sidebar and join them.
Update of paid to click websites
This week the earnings at paid to click websites were pretty fast especially for a load of new people signing up. Also, I received a comment on one of my articles for a reader who wanted me to tell more about paid to click websites, well I have already written an introductory article for that and you can read it. Moreover, I have some websites that will be added into the ‘Money-makers’ list the coming week and so you can expect the earnings to rise this month. As for those who are reading an update of paid to click websites for the first time, in this update I give the top five earners of the week that I recommend all to join. Here they are:
Unfortunately, this week Clixsense has dropped of the top five list because of slow earnings, I will be write an article on Clixsense so you can know more about it. The rest of the list has remained the same, although is giving almost the same number of ads as 07bux, since I have more referrals on it my earnings are multiplied by the number of referrals which makes a lot. I will say one thing again, that join the websites in the top five above only if you will stay active on the website, do not just click ads for one day and then leave the website, if you want to make money then you better commit yourself to it.
Unfortunately, this week Clixsense has dropped of the top five list because of slow earnings, I will be write an article on Clixsense so you can know more about it. The rest of the list has remained the same, although is giving almost the same number of ads as 07bux, since I have more referrals on it my earnings are multiplied by the number of referrals which makes a lot. I will say one thing again, that join the websites in the top five above only if you will stay active on the website, do not just click ads for one day and then leave the website, if you want to make money then you better commit yourself to it.
Beginner Blogging Mistakes - Promoting For No Reason
Back in 2007 when I started off as a blogger, I was totally off-track. As you might already know that I started off making money on the internet with paid to click websites. Yes, what a waste of time. But since I was quite enthusiastic about making money back then, I wanted to create a blog to promote my referral links.
In paid to click websites, you look for referrals who can come, click ads and make money for you forever. Since posting a whole bunch of links at places to let people know about it was kind of a tedious job, instead I created a blog, filled it with reviews and my referral links and then promoted the blog instead.
My initial aim was to get visitors to it and then have them to sign up for the paid to click website. It wasn’t long until blogger disabled my account with all of the blogs including the one I was using to promote the referral links. However, I was doing that for a reason, I was actually making money by the efforts that I put into getting visitors to the blog.
These days, I see a bunch of fully seo loaded blogs with no ads. The thing is, there is no point in doing SEO on a blog if you don’t have intentions of making money from it. Straight up. Unless you have other aims for the blog.
This thing gets even more emphasis when your main source of traffic is referral traffic. You can always play around with organic traffic because you know that more will be coming later on and you aren’t really losing a lot of money in the long run.
But usually the referral traffic comes and goes. You don’t have a chance of them returning or more of them coming in to your website after you’ve done the promotion. In that case, it is complete nonsense to have no monetisation on your blog which completely makes it promoting for no reason.
The most widely know fact is: Traffic is money. However, you need to learn how to convert that traffic into money else you’ll end up in the blues with no money and probably a loss in form of hosting fees.
My advice to all new bloggers is that: Monetize your blog from day one! There is no harm, I repeat, no harm whatsoever from monetizing a blog. If you think it will discourage visitors, no it wouldn’t. If that was the case, Google wouldn’t have been the number one search engine. There are thousands of other search engines without advertisements.
It will have no impact on your SEO. Why it will have no effect on your SEO is because Google will always be in benefit if you have adsense on your blog. Since, when Google sends traffic to your website, it clicks the adsense ad. Not only do you get paid but Google gets paid as well. I know this theory sounds totally absurd but it was just to diversify your minds from not monetizing a new website. So yeah, you can laugh!
In paid to click websites, you look for referrals who can come, click ads and make money for you forever. Since posting a whole bunch of links at places to let people know about it was kind of a tedious job, instead I created a blog, filled it with reviews and my referral links and then promoted the blog instead.
My initial aim was to get visitors to it and then have them to sign up for the paid to click website. It wasn’t long until blogger disabled my account with all of the blogs including the one I was using to promote the referral links. However, I was doing that for a reason, I was actually making money by the efforts that I put into getting visitors to the blog.
These days, I see a bunch of fully seo loaded blogs with no ads. The thing is, there is no point in doing SEO on a blog if you don’t have intentions of making money from it. Straight up. Unless you have other aims for the blog.
This thing gets even more emphasis when your main source of traffic is referral traffic. You can always play around with organic traffic because you know that more will be coming later on and you aren’t really losing a lot of money in the long run.
But usually the referral traffic comes and goes. You don’t have a chance of them returning or more of them coming in to your website after you’ve done the promotion. In that case, it is complete nonsense to have no monetisation on your blog which completely makes it promoting for no reason.
The most widely know fact is: Traffic is money. However, you need to learn how to convert that traffic into money else you’ll end up in the blues with no money and probably a loss in form of hosting fees.
My advice to all new bloggers is that: Monetize your blog from day one! There is no harm, I repeat, no harm whatsoever from monetizing a blog. If you think it will discourage visitors, no it wouldn’t. If that was the case, Google wouldn’t have been the number one search engine. There are thousands of other search engines without advertisements.
It will have no impact on your SEO. Why it will have no effect on your SEO is because Google will always be in benefit if you have adsense on your blog. Since, when Google sends traffic to your website, it clicks the adsense ad. Not only do you get paid but Google gets paid as well. I know this theory sounds totally absurd but it was just to diversify your minds from not monetizing a new website. So yeah, you can laugh!, the story of a Scam
I finally decided to write about the really of I started off with using around 3 years ago. If you remember well, this is how I got started into making money online. Blogging wasn’t until late 2007 and before that I was heavily occupied with paid to click websites.
To be frank, at that time seemed to be the best paid to click website to me. In fact, stats prove that it is the most popular paid to click websites as compared to popular paid to click websites of that time. It has risen to below 2000 in the alexa top websites.
So, where did go wrong? Quite simple…
) and see how the paid to click websites started up. I remember the first paid to click website to be adbux and many other small paid to click websites followed up soon.
How these websites operated was over a simple concept:
Pretty basic huh? If this goes on a small scale, it’s all cool. But when you have big ambitions and want to make a lot of money, you have a little problem.
I’m sure that there aren’t a lot of wise webmasters or bloggers out there who would want to be spending 3 cents for a visitor who would visit the website for just 30 seconds. The purchasing power of the visitor can be seen from the fact that he is clicking ads for a cent each.
(No offense, I was one of them a few years ago)
So, basically this makes the traffic pretty useless and probably the only reason why a big number of webmasters wouldn’t want to be advertising on such a website. Moreover, even if there are a lot of advertisers, their advertisement budget would not be enough to cater such a large user base as it was in’s case.
Instead of charging $3000 to a person who wants to buy a 100K visitors package, they’ll give him a discount just to get some cash into the system. Then they’ll use that money to pay off a user who requested payout 3 months ago telling him that this delay was due to ‘manual check’ before payout.
One reason why this was working out was because most of the users never made it to the minimum payout OR never protested if they never got paid and left the program.
Long story, short. Soon, as more users joined they needed more inflow of cash. So, they started selling those referral packages and the premium memberships to have some cash rolling in and as of now, that’s what they’re depending on.
Apparently, they’re only paying premium members. That too only after a wait of several months or years. The system reached a stop a long time ago, I (along with some other users) just didn’t realize that in time.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, the mechanism flunked right before your eyes. i hate to say it, but yes I pronounce it a SCAM.
If you still want to check on paid to click websites, I’d recommend checking out clixsense. I also have an article on making money on the internet for beginners.
To be frank, at that time seemed to be the best paid to click website to me. In fact, stats prove that it is the most popular paid to click websites as compared to popular paid to click websites of that time. It has risen to below 2000 in the alexa top websites.
So, where did go wrong? Quite simple…
Traditional paid to click concept
Let’s go old school (thought it’s just been 3 years,
How these websites operated was over a simple concept:
- Advertisers pay the PTC website for visitors to their website.
- Users sign-up to the PTC website and get paid for clicking ads.
- The PTC website takes a part of the cost per visitor paid by the advertiser, and gives the rest to the users.
Pretty basic huh? If this goes on a small scale, it’s all cool. But when you have big ambitions and want to make a lot of money, you have a little problem.
I’m sure that there aren’t a lot of wise webmasters or bloggers out there who would want to be spending 3 cents for a visitor who would visit the website for just 30 seconds. The purchasing power of the visitor can be seen from the fact that he is clicking ads for a cent each.

So, basically this makes the traffic pretty useless and probably the only reason why a big number of webmasters wouldn’t want to be advertising on such a website. Moreover, even if there are a lot of advertisers, their advertisement budget would not be enough to cater such a large user base as it was in’s case.
The Dirty Game
Then played a pretty dirty game. What they did was simple, they started putting up advertisements without actually receiving the money according to the mechanism. For example:Instead of charging $3000 to a person who wants to buy a 100K visitors package, they’ll give him a discount just to get some cash into the system. Then they’ll use that money to pay off a user who requested payout 3 months ago telling him that this delay was due to ‘manual check’ before payout.
One reason why this was working out was because most of the users never made it to the minimum payout OR never protested if they never got paid and left the program.
Long story, short. Soon, as more users joined they needed more inflow of cash. So, they started selling those referral packages and the premium memberships to have some cash rolling in and as of now, that’s what they’re depending on.
Apparently, they’re only paying premium members. That too only after a wait of several months or years. The system reached a stop a long time ago, I (along with some other users) just didn’t realize that in time.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, the mechanism flunked right before your eyes. i hate to say it, but yes I pronounce it a SCAM.

If you still want to check on paid to click websites, I’d recommend checking out clixsense. I also have an article on making money on the internet for beginners.
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