Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why you need to put your Business on the Net

internet-success-for-businessWebsite Technology may be ‘out of range’ for some small and medium businesses, but I have some solid reasons why you might want to put your business on the Net, it is something worth investing in, after all in case you’re out of touch with the normal business motive which is to maximize profit you might have an idea of what I am trying to say.
When you have a tight competition for the business you’re running you always need to have an upper hand in the competition, something that could distinguish you from your competitors. If your competitors are already making use of website technology and you have not, then you’re a sucker. You could easily head off from your competitors by adding online facilities such as adding a contact form, selling products online and providing more services.
You might also use the Net to promote new products, services or provide information about available products. This type on information is so valuable to the customer that, if this impresses the customer then he’ll obviously buy your product /service. What if you want to know the customer’s view on some new service in your business, you’ll run a survey right? But do you think someone who comes to your store would have time to fill up a survey? Obviously no. However, when you simplify the same procedure on the Net, with just a few clicks the customer will certainly give his feedback on what you want.
You could even use the Net to sell products / services online. Accept payments online and make the procedure more simplified without ever having to even see the face of the customer. A recent survey showed that highly satisfied online banking customers are 31% more likely to buy additional services from the bank and 54% more likely to recommend the bank to others. So businesses do need to invest money in website technology to hold on to their customers. the investment will not be much, but the payback is extremely high. So if you run a business give this a thought because it may give you the returns you had been expecting for months.

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