I’m far beyond the league I was in last year. My traffic is up 103.17% since then. My last year visits were 73444 and this year they’re 151267, big jump eh? The pageviews are 215,214 which is also quite big since last year.
But as you can see, my traffic has started to soar towards the end of the blogging year. So, I can only imagine what my next year would be with this kind of traffic.

Even though my blog traffic is double since last year, but I’m ashamed of myself. My main aim was to write consistently, traffic usually follows. But, I haven’t been so consistent.
Last year (2008-2009) I wrote 112 articles which was almost 1 article every 3 days. However, this year I only wrote 44 articles! That is like 1 article every 8 days!

I have to be less of a procrastinator and more of a writer I suppose. The fall in the comments is consequential to the lack of posts I suppose. Almost 800 new comments this year, love you guys! I know if I would have posted more you would have commented more.

My top 3 traffic referrers were:
- StumbleUpon
- Google Images (Woah!)
- Entrecard

Direct traffic is visiting a website directly by it’s web address (for the noobs). My direct traffic last year was around 5000 visitors whereas it is 30000 visitors this year. This would definitely be the offline marketing that I’ve been doing more since last year. I used to be a little quiet about my website in my offline life, just to not sound geek-ish in front of friends 2 years ago.
Turned out, it actually makes you more cooler than the person next to you. Actually, why wouldn’t you be cooler than the person next to you when you’re ranking number 1 on youngestblogger.com.

My only aim for my next blogging year is to be a more consistent writer on the blog. I’ve been less personal in the past, but trust me, I’ll be treating this as a very personal blog soon as I get a little free. Moreover, if this traffic trend continues to next year (I wish), somebody’s going to be making some good money.
Now on a side note, I’m half done with my examinations. Thanks to God and all my well-wishers, they’ve been going fine so far. I haven’t been studying as much as I did for my O levels but hopefully I’ll be doing fine on 12th August (my result day).
I’m through 6 papers and left with 4 more. Friday marks the end of my examinations with three papers in a single day. Weird, I know. Wish me luck because it doesn’t only mark the end of my examinations but it also marks the start of my holidays and…
Holidays = Free time
Free time = Time for blogging
Time for blogging = More work
More work equals to, you know where I’m going. *ka ching*
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