Have you ever wanted to have a semi-automated way of making money with adsense? Well, now you’ve got it. Today I’ll be talking about a website called AdsenseFree.Com and it is the website which will help you setup a huge network of websites with adsense.
That’s right, I’m talking about dozens of adsense ready templates ready to make money for you. That is, if you know how to make money with adsense. So basically adsense free gives you a whole bunch of adsense templates that already have adsense on them, they also have a theme and some content on each page.
This is perfect for adsense newbies, people who want to make money with adsense but don’t know how to create a website or simply for those who don’t have time in setting up adsense on hundreds of pages and then finding content for each page. So by now I know what’s going on in your mind
What’s the Catch?
You must be thinking: Why is this website giving away free adsense templates, there must be some catch. They must be charging some money for the templates in one way or the other.
The fact is, you will not be charged a single penny for the templates and all 155 adsense templates are going to be gifted for you for free. All you have to do is sign up for a normal hosting package which you would have done so if you ever wanted to start up a website. That’s it!
Just for signing up for a nominal hosting package (which you will be needing anyways), you will be given 155 adsense templates ready to do the work for you. Plus, you get many other free gifts from them. Once you sign-up through their recommended host, just send them an email and you will get the reply very soon with the file attached containing 155 adsense templates and other important information.
Now those are not just 155 pages with content on them. I’m talking about 155 templates/categories each of which has their own sub-pages as content fillers. So, each category has around 70 - 150 pages filled with content regarding that category. So if you do the math, that is around 0.15 million pages ready with content and adsense on them for you to make money.
It doesn’t end there. Think how tedious it would’ve been if you had to insert your adsense publisher id into each one of them pages manually. It could easily take you a few days if you are a newbie.
But this sweet package includes a little program which will ask you for your adsense publisher id and then edit each and every page with your adsense publisher id to make sure that those pages make you money once they get traffic.
If you were to put the 0.15 million pages on a brand new website, it would take you a maximum of ten minutes to have thousands of content rich, adsense-ready pages floating around your website like they’ve been lying there for ages. That is the best part of it. However, now comes the real review of this thing which shall tell us whether this thing is good for making money or not.
Can This Thing Really Make Me Money?
This is by far the most important point of this post. You would only want to check this out if you were assured that it would make you money or not and if so then how would it make you money. The only drawback that this thing has is: That the content is not unique.
The content that is put on individual pages under each template or category is taken from article directories. This kind of ruins your plans of getting traffic from search engines to it unless you are really a professional.
If you are a complete newbie, first you should know how to make money with adsense because just putting up a website with 0.15 million pages and not getting even one visitor to it will not make you even a cent for decades.
So, I wouldn’t really recommend this to you if you are a first time adsense user. However, if you already have some experience with adsense prior to this then you might know how to make money with adsense without involving SEO or organic traffic.
For the PPC lovers
This might be the perfect thing if you are a PPC junkie. That is because you have 0.1 million pages and each and every one of them is targeted to a specific thing. So after this if you ever want to get any niche, you might check this website because your little niche might already be a part of this monster empire. You can pin point traffic from adwords, etc. to individual pages and make money off it.
This is called PPC/Adsense arbitrage. This is kind of tough to get a hang of but many people have made several hundreds and thousands of dollars with this (not me) and it gets cumulative with time. Just to let you know if you want to try it out and take the risk, it involves buying cheap traffic through adwords on low-bid keywords and then targeting high-bid keywords on your page and getting clicks on those ads. When your adsense earnings surpass your adwords expenditure, congratulations, you’re making profits!
But what about SEO?!
I know it is sad but SEO might be a no-no situation for this monster empire of yours unless you’re a SEO professional. I already said this before, but what would that SEO professional do here that could get your content indexed and probably get a little share of the organic search traffic is one thing: Domain trust.
By building domain trust you let Google know that you’re not one of those pesky spammers that have thousands of pages with the same content and want each and every one of them to rank in the top.
Simply because, a person whose domain has some authority would never really do such a thing and this differentiates you from the spammers. So my advise would be to try to get links from high page rank websites.
Usually, high authority websites do not link to spam websites. So, you’re standing out of the crowd right there. This can really help your website get indexed and then given traffic eventually. But I must warn you, relying on this can take a lot of time and patience is required.
There you are. I’ve given you the good sides and the bad sides of this program. I’ve told for whom this might not work and also mentioned whom this would work for and how it can be used by them to make money. Whether you go for it or not, the decision is up to you. If you have any experiences with this program, I encourage you to share with others through the comments below.
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