Friday, January 14, 2011

How to: Overcome your Biggest Time(Money) Waster

I  know it’s been a long time since I last wrote an article, but I’ve been pretty busy with examinations going on in my school. It’s not that I was too busy to come online but just didn’t catch enough time to write an article. Well during these 7 days I learnt how to control myself from one of my biggest time wasters online.
In my case, I can easily complete my daily online work on the computer(including writing articles) in about 2 hours. However, usually I end up sitting in front of the computer for more than 5 hours and end up without even writing an article for my blog. Which shows how my time is creeping away without me even knowing, I’m killing my own money.
So I usually use the computer with the intention of doing the routine work, but I’m often mislead to wasting time reading dozens of articles in my feeds and checking my blog’s statistics. I was literally wasting so much time, that once I realized that I was logging into my Google Account to check Google Analytics only to find a few more visits for more than 5 times in one hour.
It is crazy to waste so much time on those things and hence, there are 2 tasks I had to come over:  Surfing the internet like I’m totally free and stop checking blog statistics every ten minutes. As for the first one, I took a deep breath and deleted all subscriptions in blog’s feeds, eventually I will subscribe to only 20-30 blogs to make sure that I am able to read all posts in one day and not waste too much time on them.
Being addicted to site statistics is like a honey bee addicted to flowers, you can’t stay without it. Hence, it was very hard for me to stop myself from checking the stats again and again. By stats, I am referring to almost everything, blog visits, incoming links, SERPs positions, Organic traffic, etc.
So how to overcome this is pretty obvious and simple, just stop checking! I loved how once Eli over at BlueHatSEO said that ‘let the money checks in your mail be the only statistics that you check on your blog’. Although, it may seem the other extreme of it, but checking statistics once a day is fine. Moreover, it is best to stay focused to what you have to do when you come online because when you do not know what to do next even though you’ve got some work, it’s very easy for you to get distracted.
We shouldn’t allow our time to be wasted because time is money! After all, the internet consists of more than 3 trillion pages, and it’s not hard to get distracted at all, because even the best content is just a few clicks away (3arn.Net, lol). Hence, when you want to make money online, you should be determined enough in your aims that you do not get distracted and avoid all time wasters that stop you from making the most out of your time

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